On My Way There

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The taxi driver is driving in the parking lot of Walmart so I get out of the car and grab my purse, there I found a cart close by so I grabbed it and started to drive it and walked towards the entrance of Walmart so I can go in the store. I go to the liquor and soda aisle and grabbed about three bottles of red wine and one white wine, grabbed one liter of Co-cola, then grabbed some passion fruit juice and then headed off to the aisle that has the bread and grabbed a loaf of bread. I went to the diary aisle and grabbed some a gallon of whole milk and some cheese then I went to the meats section and grabbed some ham and salami. I already finished grabbing everything that was food and then headed off to the pharmacy and got some allergy medicine and the aisle I found some period pads so I grabbed some of those as well just in case me or her get our periods anytime soon. While I was going to the line to pay for all my groceries Raquel calls me "Babe where are you?" I replied "I am in Walmart still just in the line waiting to pay for the groceries. Why? What happened baby?" she replies "Nothing happened just wanted to know what its taking so long for you to get here." I replied "Alright baby, I'll see there." we hang up the phone and finally it's my turn to put all my groceries on the checkout conveyor belt and I am the second one to pay for my groceries finally cause this day has been long and I can't wait to get to the hotel. Well, its finally my turn to pay and get all my groceries, so the cashier tells me "Mam it's going to be 40 dollars in total." I paid the grocery now I am heading out and the taxi driver texts me "Please hurry up, I got a call for someone that needs a ride." thank God that I'm already heading out of the store, I get to the taxi and ask the driver to open the trunk, he opens it and I put all my groceries in there. I got inside the cab and told him "Let's go pick up the person, then head to my place before dropping off that person." he just nods and gets out of the parking lot. He went to the route that the person who needs to be picked up sent him, now we're almost closed by what the GPS tells him. Well, the cab driver is definitely on time when he said what time he will be there to pick up the guy because we literally just made it, the guy gets in the cab and just says "Hey" now I tell the cab driver "Now to my destination please I got two places I got to be at." the driver looks in the rear view mirror and says "Will do putting the address on the GPS right now." I text Raquel "Hey babe I am on my way to my place to get my things and then I will be there, I had a bit of a step back with the cab driver." she texts back asking "What kind of step back?" I text her back "Nothing babe, he had to pick a guy on the way to then drive me to my place, that's why I am taking a lot longer than usual." she responds "Alright, I will be waiting, I am going to let the front desk clerk to let you in when she sees you." I text her "Thank you, that'll help a lot." while I am texting Raquel the driver says "Well, mam we are just three lights away from your destination." I look up to the three traffic lights and indeed we're almost there thank God, I am very tired and will like to be with Raquel eating some dinner and laying in bed. Well now I am in front of the hotel, getting all the bags of groceries before entering the hotel. I am doing this because I don't want to be eating room service all the time since it costs money and I am trying to save some so I can finally find somewhere to live. I get to my room and unlock it, I just entered my room and now putting the groceries in the fridge meanwhile I get a call from Raquel "Hey love, where are you now?" I replied to here "I am now in the hotel in my room putting some of the groceries away and then I will take a shower and get the clothes I am going to wear in a handbag." she replies "Alright love, I am waiting here." I hang up the phone and get in the shower and put some soft music on so I can finally be relaxed hot water running on my back and all over my body that feels so good right now, let's just say my body is sore from all this long shift I been working on. Now I am cleaning myself and it feels even better the only worry I have is what am I going to wear tomorrow? well I do got to check if I am off tomorrow or do I have to work. I just got out of the shower and drying myself now, I am checking the schedule on my phone right now while I am with one hand drying my hair with a hair dryer. Yes! I don't work tomorrow so I can do some errands and if Raquel doesn't work tomorrow we can go places and explore this state. Now I am putting some joggers and a short sleeve shirt and a hoodie on as well I grabbed all the clothes I am going to wear tomorrow and called a uber while I was doing my hair thank God, I am always ahead of time with everything. I just put all the clothes that I am going to wear tomorrow and the shoes as well as my hair products and hair brush and as well as my tooth brush, the uber finally got here so now I got my keys, my wallet and my bag with my stuff for tomorrow. I go downstairs and get in the uber, I call Raquel "Hey babe, I am already in the uber, I will be there pretty soon." she replies "Alright love, I will see you here, I am going to call the front desk clerk right now." we hang up and the uber driver asks me if I am thirsty I said "Yes I am." he said "Well there's some water bottle on your right they're cold you can grab some." I grabbed one and opened it took a sip we're almost there just a few lights away. I just got there and now heading out of the uber with my stuff in my hands, called Raquel "Hey beautiful, I am already here I am about to enter the hotel." she replies "Alright gorgeous, I already told the front desk clerk that you were coming over tonight." I hang up and walked in the hotel, go to the elevators and waited for it to stop at the floor I was on, it stopped and I just got in it. Just got to the floor she's on and got out of the elevator, now I am walking towards her room, knocked on the door she opens the door, oh my lord she's just so beautiful and sexy at the same, she's wearing a sleeping gown and with her hair in braids.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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