Epigraph and Introduction

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Maybe things don't happen for a reason.
Maybe we're just grasping for ways to make sense of the chaos around us.
Maybe we're giving meaning to things that have no meaning.
Maybe we're just clinging to hope so hard that we forget about reality.
What if we're wrong and nothing is meant to be?
We're just lost souls wandering endlessly,
Desperately seeking comfort from the notion that things will work out
In the end no matter what.
What if we've tricked ourselves into believing that everything will be okay in the end just so we don't have to face the reality that maybe it won't?
~ Unknown

The Fault in Our Stars, is, as I like to say, a book of symbolism. In just skimming the letters upon letters, words upon words, pages upon pages, chapters upon chapters upon chapters, I believe that you could randomly choose a sentence and so easily find a way to connect it to the real world or find some symbolism. So, why choose the examples contained within these pages of my own? For that, I believe we need to back up to the beginning. Back to the characters and their effect on eachother. Back to how a novel can impact a person so greatly. Back to how word choice gives information. All the way back to how the cover of a novel sets you up for the story.  Most of what you are about to read, is speculation, opinions, and educated guesses. This is not meant to give you answers for only John Green can provide answers, that is, if he has any to give. My job is to get you thinking about the power held in a total of 313 pages. Enjoy. Or don't. Sometimes the suffering of others is too much to bear and and other times  it's just enough for a spark.

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