From You To Me

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The air and the sky,
Are from you.
The petals that fly,
Are from me.

Your smile and your laughter,
Are so very precious.
But the last encounter,
Was so very anxious.

The warm hugs we shared,
Were alluring.
Yet the burden we cared for,
Was bound to break us apart.

The stare of your soul,
The pressure it'd spread.
I've turned into a ghoul,
The tears I'd shed.

How could this be?
I thought we were supposed to be together forever,
Yet you've left me.

My eyes hold terror and fear,
Yours hold the one who's dear.
Your gifts shed light,
Yet I'm the one who you fight.

Our roads have broken,
Especially yours.
The hell you've swollen,
Among strings of cords.

I've never wished for this,
Is it true?
Seeing someone die infront of me,
Someone like you.

Now it's time,
The time to stop.
It's time for me,
To stop my ticking clock.

But still you've managed to save me,
Save me from tears.
You stopped me,
From falling downstairs.

I wish you a safe farewell, friend.
I hope to see you again,
For your wide smile,
Is one of guile.


This whole thing is supposed to be a metaphor but like yeah
(Time to overthrow and make theories)

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