Volume 2: The invasion of my ocs

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The name of this volume sounds concerning, I know. But its the truth :shrug:

Either way, thanks for reading until here, I appreciate the time taken (wasted)

So far, it's been only random poems unrelated to anything (I'm lying)

And what I mean by ocs? Literally the characters I make in my head (My Era sponsorship time)

If you want to learn about their lore, I recommend reading the two other books I've publish (yup yup)

My Era and its spin-off, My Era: Behind The Scenes

Of course, I'm still working on them. So far for the spin-off, I've centred it around a few people. They'll show up later on in the story but they play a big role in stopping the main villain.

And for the main story, I've only finished a few arcs. I'm planning to either split a few arcs into one book then put the others in a separate book. I'm not sure so if you want, leave your suggestions

That's a bit too much now. I'll leave the oc's names in the extra notes below the poem. Count them if you wish but beware of confusion.

Okay, I'll get going now. See you around

(By tsukasaplush_shtpost on Instagram)

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(By tsukasaplush_shtpost on Instagram)

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