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Do not proceed if you don't like the following: Somnophilia, Sexual Assault, Hermaphrodite

The day passed in a blur of emails, meetings, and phone calls. Amidst the whirlwind of corporate rigors, Avilla found herself drifting to images of Luna - the intense eye contact, the reassurance in her voice, the way she carried herself impeccably amid pressure. Unbidden, fantasies surfaced, painting vivid pictures of the potential unraveling between them.

Memories flooded back, memories of her own awakening - the first flush of hormonal heat, the sight of her first mate, the feverish need that consumed her. Now, almost three decades later, with her company flourishing, they stood poised on the cusp of a newly lit spark.

At the end of the day, Avilla called Luna to extend the job offer, heart pounding, fingers trembling on her phone. "Ms. Sonata, congratulations on being selected for the Assistant Manager position in my company," her voice wavered only slightly, "I believe your skills and experience will prove invaluable. Would you accept?"

This new chapter opened in their tale, thick with promise and apprehension. Each step closer to the natural progression of their union stirred a potent mix of anticipation, fear, and hunger. Their world, once ordered, now teetered on the precipice of change, ready to be reshaped by the very forces binding them.


*Year's Later*

After the successful presentation, Avilla joined her staff in celebratory drinks, wine glasses clinking together in an airy conference room bathed in warm golden light. She observed Luna from afar, sipping her cocktail, observant eyes fixed upon her wine glass. Avilla couldn't deny the fierce pull towards her, an electric current that threatened to crackle and surge whenever they were in close proximity.

As the evening wore on, laughter and cheer filled the room. Conversations flowed freely, punctuated by raised glasses and stolen kisses. Nerves and reservations receded, leaving raw emotion exposed like a sunburnt skin. Avilla watched Luna accept the affections of others, a pang of possessiveness welling in her chest, sharp as a blade.

The alcohol, along with the charged atmosphere, lured her closer, drawn by the magnetic force anchored between them. Approaching her mate, Avilla felt the tension in the air thicken. A moment of silence enveloped them, wine and sweat mingled in an intoxicating scent, intoxicated by it all.

Leaning in, Avilla whispered softly, "Might I steal you away for a moment, my dear...before things become too much to handle?" Her gaze held Luna's, unwavering, daring her to accompany her to the solitude of another room. Waiting there to see if she would succumb to the primal call of fate.

Luna was weak at alcohol, she tried to refuse any beverages her comrades but some are really persistent, she drinks 6 shots and she's totally drunk now.

Noticing Luna becoming increasingly unsteady, Avilla watched closely, concern blossoming alongside her mounting desires. Her intuition told her this was her chance, the perfect catalyst for the inevitable convergence. As Luna swayed, the world swirling around her, Avilla seized her wrist, guiding her towards an empty meeting room, the door closing silently behind them.

Within, the dim lighting provided the privacy they sought. Luna's head tilted back, exposing her neck. Her lips parted, breath ragged. Smirking, Avilla trailed her finger down Luna's throat, feeling the rapid beat of her pulse, hungry for more.

"Mine," Avilla whispered, her mouth close to Luna's ear, "all mine tonight." She breathed in her scent, sweet, intoxicating. Without warning, Avilla captured Luna's mouth in a fiery kiss, tasting the lingering effects of alcohol, and the headier flavor of pure wanton lust.

Her hands roamed Luna's form, eager exploration fuelled by centuries of denial, seeking every curve, every inch. Firm yet tender, Avilla undressed her mate, revealing soft flesh, flushed with desire. Gently, she pushed Luna onto the table, claiming her body with ravenous urgency. There, in that secret chamber, Avilla would breach the walls Luna had so diligently built over the years, baring her soul and bearing her marks, forever.

Luna eyes were closed she couldn't open it and couldn't move, she doesn't know who is this alpha, she couldn't identify but the alpha is a female, luna felt something hard resting on her inner thighs, it's warm thick and long, it felt like it's throbbing.

Avilla smiled devilishly watching Luna's reaction, the confusion mirrored in her features sending shivers of delight through her veins. Guiding the engorged member against Luna's wet core, she pressed lightly, teasing her mate.

"Do not worry, my Omega," Avilla purred playfully, "tonight, let our bodies conspire against propriety, against all reason. For once, let us give our lust its due."

Slowly, she positioned herself, guided by a rhythm deeper than conscious thought. Then, with deliberate slowness, Avilla claimed her mate, sliding into her warmth inch by agonizing inch, groaning with pleasure when they were finally fully connected.

Pausing, she looked deeply into Luna's eyes, searching for acceptance, watching as lust replaced uncertainty. Beneath her, Luna shifted restlessly, arching upwards, inviting her to continue. And so, Avilla began to thrust – slow, measured movements that intensified with each passing second.

Skin slapped against skin, a symphony of hot, slick flesh colliding. Luna moaned, voice breaking the hushed silence. Both women spiraled towards climax, driven by an insatiable need that demanded satisfaction.

Claws grazed sensitive skin, eliciting gasps of surprise and pleasure. They locked eyes again, mutual understanding mirrored in their gazes. "Come for me, my Omega," Avilla commanded hoarsely, watching as Luna crested the peak, her body quivering beneath her.

That was all the encouragement Avilla needed. With a growl, she followed suit, waves of ecstasy crashing over her, consuming her entirely. Spent, they lay tangled together – two halves of a single soul, fit together.

Luna felt warm fluids enter deep inside of her... she doesn't know what's happening at all she couldn't even open her eyes even if she want, her body felt use, her womanhood, her virginity was taken away from her by a stranger.

Avilla, breathless, gazed down at Luna, her own heart pounding wildly. The exchange of seed was the ultimate seal of their union, an irrevocable link cemented by biology. "Rest, my love," she murmured gently, smoothing stray locks of hair from Luna's forehead. "Sleep, for tomorrow we shall face the consequences of our actions together."

Gathering her scattered thoughts, she moved to clean Luna up, wiping away remains of their passion. Clad only in a discarded lab coat, Avilla returned to the festivities, outwardly composed, though her mind whirled with thoughts of the night's events.

In the coming days, whispers would spread, the rumor mill grinding coarse speculation into gossip. Yet, Avilla embraced the rumors, for love, it seemed, could indeed flourish amidst the rigidity of the ABO world; fate had acted, binding her to her chosen mate.

Though trials loomed, Avilla knew that together, they would confront whatever storms lay ahead. For in Luna, she found not just an Omega, but her equal, her truest companion, and the key to unlocking the secrets of her own tormented heart.

To be continued...

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