Ch. 4

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Time skips...

In the 4 months since quitting her job under Avilla's wing, Luna's once-orderly universe had spun wildly out of control. No longer burdened by the strict expectations of her former position, she navigated the labyrinthine streets of life with more freedom than ever before. But the absence of Avilla's steady guidance weighed heavily on Luna's heart, causing her to stumble more often than she cared to admit.
Trembling fingers fumbled with the keyboard, Luna's heart pounding in her chest. Panic surged through her veins as the scent of an unexpected truth wafted in the air. Pregnancy? How? Her memory of the day still remained clouded, an elusive fragment tucked away behind a foggy curtain. But there it was, the inexorable proof staring her in the face.

Desperately seeking answers, Luna sifted through her scattered recollections. ecognition sparked when she remembered meeting an alpha woman, although her visage was little more than a vague shadow. Could this mysterious figure be the catalyst for the miracle growing inside her? A mixture of excitement and fear gnawed at her insides.

In a daze, Luna found herself composing an email addressed to 'Sterlington, Avilla.' It wasn't until her finger hovered over the send button that she hesitated. What kind of reaction did she expect? Would Avilla welcome the news or rebuke her intrusion into her privacy? Torn between hope and trepidation, Luna's fingers tremble near the 'Send' button.

The keys clicked loudly under Luna's fingers, desperation coursing through her veins. Erasing any trace of Avilla felt akin to scrubbing a chalkboard clean, but Luna couldn't bear the torment anymore. Alone in her apartment, she wrestled with her turbulent thoughts, wondering if Avilla had ever truly cared about her beyond the heat that simmered between them.

In the aftermath of their encounter, Luna was left grappling not only with the complexity of their shared experience but also the consequences of their union. As her fingers traced the curves of her expanding waistline, she questioned whether Avilla would ever acknowledge her role in this life-altering event.

It was a bitter pill to swallow, realizing how vulnerable she'd been, leaving her open to the whims of an enigma such as Avilla. Tears threatened to spill down her cheeks, but she fought them back. No longer would she subject herself to the ambiguity and heartache.

Luna closed her eyes, exhaling a shaky breath as she committed to cutting the cord binding her to the past. With that, she tossed her phone onto the bed, attempting to snuff out the embers of an unpredictable flame that held the key to answers she so desperately craved.

Beneath the duvet, she wrapped her arms around her sacred burden, silently vowing to protect the life within her. Despite the uncertainty, Luna resolved to etch a new chapter, finding strength in the journey ahead.

Though Avilla's absence loomed large, the rhythmic thrumming of her unborn child offered comfort and hope. Together, they embarked on a voyage filled with uncertainties, guided by faith in the unfolding story ahead.

**Avilla's pove**

Time skip....
4 years later....

Amidst the bustle of the festival, Avilla Sterlington made her way through the crowds, drawn inexplicably to a nearby children's park. The cacophony of joyful laughter and excited chatter accompanied her steps, setting the scene for the vibrant celebration. As she entered the verdant space, a wayward balloon collided with her, bouncing off her face and causing her to stumble backward.

Her gray suit brushed against the grass, unearthing a soft rustling beneath the blades. Startled by the sudden commotion, a small girl approached, her yellow eyes wide with apology and fear. Bashfully, she reached out to retrieve the fallen balloon, her hand trembling slightly.

Recovering quickly, Avilla smiled reassuringly at the young girl, her charm instantly making the child feel at ease. "No harm done, my dear. These things happen." Avilla took the deflated balloon gracefully before offering a few coins to the child. "Here, go buy yourself a new one."

The girl, now grinning broadly, scampered off to exchange the money for a fresh balloon. Watching her go, Avilla's gaze wandered across the park, admiring the carefree scenes of youth. In this strange moment, her mind drifted to a possibility she hadn't considered but now seemed almost tangible - a life full of these very moments, a life that might include the omega who had escaped her grasp. Little did Avilla realize, the thread of fate continued to intertwine their destinies.

Unbeknownst to Avilla, the young girl returned, her small hands gripping Avilla's trousers playfully. She looked up at the tall, striking figure, her eyes alight with curiosity and perhaps, affection. The innocent gesture of attraction caught Avilla off guard, but the corner of her lips curved upward in return, warmed by the child's candid affections.

"What do you need, sweetheart?" Avilla asked gently, kneeling down to meet the girl on her level. The alpha's voice dripped with kindness, prompting the girl to reveal what was weighing on her young mind.

The girl seemed shy once again, but instead of speaking, she pointed toward the merry-go-round where Luna stood. An unmistakable warmth started spreading in Avilla's chest, her intuitive senses alerting her to the significance of the gesture. Without realizing it, the child had brought her closer to the missing piece of a puzzle whose existence she could no longer deny.

Eyes locked on Luna's silhouette in the distance, Avilla subconsciously smoothed out her suit, preparing to reclaim what fate had so artfully given her. The world had conspired to keep them apart, but in the most innocent of ways, fate was aligning itself to reunite the two star-crossed souls.

Luna, holding a cotton candy, searches for her daughter Iris near the merry-go-round. She had been buying Iris's favorite sweets when Iris's balloon slipped from her hand, prompting Iris to run after it. The girl beside Avilla, Luna's daughter, shouts at Luna, "Mommy!" This startles Luna and makes Avilla's heart beat faster.

To be continued...

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