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Law pov

Me and Robin were finishing up are assignment and all of a sudden I hear rain. I walk over to the window to see it pouring outside.
Ace: "oh wow it's really pouring outside isn't it?
Ace says looking out a different window.
Sabo: "Yeah we should probably get going now or garp will kill us"
Sabo says with a terrified expression luffy and ace look at him agreeing looking pretty terrified to.
Luffy: "Yeah we better get home before garp gets home."
Luffy say while packing up his stuff. While Sabo and ace do the same. I then look over to Robin and realize she's packing up as well.
Robin: "Well then I'll see you later tra-guy and sanji-kun"
Robin say packing up her things and following catching up with Ace who waited for her as Sabo and luffy were waiting downstairs at the door.
Ace: "bye you guys."
Sanji: "Bye Robin-Swaaan."
We all say are good byes as they take there leave I head up to my room and lay down.
( Robin is so beautiful) I think to myself letting myself fall asleep while thinking about Robin

Ace Pov

Me and Robin walk out the front door to see sabo and luffy waiting for us.
Luffy: "Finally you guys took forever."
Ace: "Heh well don't blame me blame are dare sister Robin she was the one that took forever."
Robin: "fufufu Did I really take that long?"
Sabo: "Shut up you guys let's just hope Garp isn't home or we'll have to do more training."
Luffy: "Come on Sabo I'm trying not to think of that right now."
Ace: "Yeah Sabo why'd you have to remind us."
Robin: "Fufufu I wonder if are training will be enough to kill us."
Sabo: "Robinn stop scaring luffy and Ace."
Robin: "Fufufu well we're here let's see if Garp is home or not."
Robin then walks up to the door as the rest of us follow. As she opens the door I can hear Luffy swallow a gulp and Sabo scared.
Robin: "We're home."
Just as we walk in we turn to the side of us and see dadan and the rest of the family eating dinner.
Dadan then looks at us and then goes back to eating.
Dadan: "Oh hey brats we're have you been Garps been waiting for you."
Dadan says chuckling a little bit and most likely because this time garp isn't mad at her.
Luffy: "Guys I think we should go to the tree house."
Sabo: "I agree even if it is raining at least we don't have to do training."
We all agree and start to walk into the forest where we had built a tree house.
Luffy: "Finally we made it."
Luffy says letting out a sigh of relief.
Sabo: "Well let's go in guys if we stay out here any longer we'll catch a cold."
We all climb up the latter walking in and lay down are blankets Falling asleep almost instantly.

(Time skip to the next day)

Robin pov

I wake up to see my brothers resting peacefully on the floor. I smile to myself looking at Ace who looks cold. I grab my blanket and put it over him. Watching him go back to being warm.
Robin: "How adorable."
I whisper to  myself as I remind myself I need to get ready. I check the time and it's 6am I then go and change and wake up sabo.
Sabo: "Huh Robin what time is it?"
Robin: "It's 6am we should leave at seven since we're walking to school today."
Sabo: "Okay then wake up the others I'm gonna get ready."
I nod as he gets up and goes to the bathroom to get ready
Robin: "Hey look theirs meat."
I say out loud knowing it's the only way Ace and Luffy are gonna wake up. They both get up in sync .
Luffy and Ace: "WHERE?!?"
Robin: "Nevermind I think I was just seeing things fufufu."
They both groan and go and get ready.

Time skip to them Arriving at school

Luffy: "Finally we're here that felt like it took forever"
Ace: "You guys go on ahead I have some stuff I have to attend too."
Sabo: "oh no you don't."
Sabo says grabbing his hood and dragging him to class I laughed at them and told them that I was going to go to the bathroom real quick before leaving and finding the bathroom. A couple minutes later I finish going to the bathroom and come out to start walking to my class when all of a sudden I hear someone say "Hey beautiful." When I heared his voice I knew exactly who it was. I turn around confirming my theory seeing my ex boyfriend crocodile.
Robin: "what do you want. Leave me alone we're not dating anymore."
Crocodile: "aww don't be like that Robin come back to me I miss you so much baby."
Robin: "Stop doing that I already told you were finished get over me already."
I say sternly about to walk away when I feel him grab my shoulder.
Crocodile: "Come on robin we're practically made for each other."
As I was about to say something someone stepped in between us. I recognized him almost instantly it was rooster kun. Aka a green haired man named Bartolomeo he's always been obsessed with me. I smiled and started walking away looking back to wispier a quick thanks to rookster kun. After finding my way back to class i walk I hear sabo call my name out I look around noticing that were a couple minutes early only me, my brothers and law, Nami, Zoro and sanji are here. I then smile walking towards them and sitting down at my desk were only sabo Ace and law were as the other sit on the opposite side of the classroom.

Law pov

Ace: " why'd you take so long."
Ace asked I'm assuming Robin in a harsher tone. I then look at Robin who giggled a little at ace's protectiveness.
Robin: "I ran into crocodile"
Sabo and Ace: What?!?
I flinched a little at how loud they were a i look over to Robin who seemed to be laughing at my confused response as I blush at her beautiful smile.
Law: "Why are you guys feeking out."
Sabo: " Crocodile is Robins ex, him and ace are always getting into fights."
Sabo explains to me as I start to feel a little jealous.
Law: "Oh."
I say turning my head a little sad.
Robin: " But don't worry guys rooster kun helped."
Law: "Rooster kun who's that?"
I ask a little more mad that there might be another guy that could be interested in Robin. Robin then turns back to me about to answer the question when all of a sudden the bell rings and the teacher starts the lesson as I'm left with a question and no answers.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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