The beginning

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Time Skip to the next day

Walking into school, I feel eyes burning into my skin. I try my best to ignore the stares, but it gets harder and harder the further into the university I get. I head to my locker to get my books that I'll need for today.

Leaving my locker, I got to Masons' locker to meet up with him and Brittany. On the way to Masons' locker, I felt the burning sensation of eyes looking at me again. Ignoring them, I continue on my way to Masons' locker.

Just before I reach Mason's locker, I see him and Brittany look over and see me. Mason snapped his head back to his locker but not before making his disdain visible to me or those who were around. Brittany, on the other hand, just gave me a smug smile, then looked away from me and looked at Mason with concern. In the small distance between where I was standing and his locker, I'd heard the conversation that ensued between them.

"Hey Mase, I know you don't want to see her, but you're gonna have to see her she is our friend after all." Brittany said with a sickenly sweet tone

" I know, but after what you told me, I don't want to be friends with such a ." He grumbled

What are they talking about? Are they talking about me? What did I do? Why am I a bitch?

"I know, I know, but she still thinks we're friends, so we might as well try to be nice to her." Brittany rebuts

"Why are you still being nice to her after all she did to you?" He states annoyed

"Because even after what Alice has done to me, it's not worth being rude and mean to her" She continued

Me? Rude? Mean? What?

"But she bullied you relentlessly!" He stated clearly, angry

Bullied? I never bullied her. What are they on about?

Turning to me, Mason walks over to me with Brittany. So I pretended I didn't hear what they were just talking about.

"Hey Ali, how are you today?" Brittany says with a slightly more bitter tone than she did with Mason.

"Why are you here? Don't you have anywhere else to be like away from here?" He states ruely

"Ahh....Yeah I do I' you later, I guess?" I say, trying not to tear up

Walking away, I walk past Marcus and his friends. While walking, I hear a chorus of

"Hey Alice" from Marcus and his friends

"Huh? Oh hey guys" I slightly sniffle

"Alice are you alright?" Ruby asks

" I'm alright." I say, trying to convince them.

"What happened?" Sadie asks firmly

"Nothing Nothing it's alright honestly" I try

"" Sadie states again with the same tone.

"Fine" I stated defeated

I go on to tell Marcus, Ruby, Sadie, Oliver and Andreas. Oliver and Andreas seemed concerned and wanted to say something on the other hand Ruby and Sadie were pissed off. Marcus didn't have a noticeable reaction from what I could see.

"I'll be right back" Marcus pipes up after a couple minutes of silence.

"Ok?" I stated confused

Not long after Marcus leave Oliver and Andreas start talking to me.

"Alice are you alright?" Andreas questions

"Yeah Alice are you?" Oliver questioned

"I'll be alright thank you tho" I say

"If you say so" they both say

"Do you want to hang out with us for today then?" Sadie pipes up

"Sure I would love to" I say slightly excited

Not long after I reply Marcus comes back and the bell for class rings.

It's already 9:45 really?

"Well we should all head to class" Oliver says

"Yeah we should come on Alice" Marcus replies

"Oh yeah, well I'll see you guys a bit later right?" I question

"Of course you will Ace" Sadie states matter-of-factly

"Ace?" I question

"Oh sorry I make up nicknames for all my friends. Do you mind? If you don't like it I can come up with another one or just stick to Alice. I just thought since you are our friend now you deserve a nickname too. Sorry I really should have asked first." Sadie rambles

"No no no please don't worry I love it thank you so much" I say panicked that I made her feel bad

"We'll finish this convo later in the meantime we really have to head to class now" Marcus states calmly

"Right right, we'll see ya later, Ace, Mar" Andreas says

"Bye Ace, Mar. Also, Mar, take care of my child for me, will you?" Ruby says, sounding like a parent

"Will do Rubs see you after class" Marcus says, kindly

All walking in our separate ways we all head to our classes.

I finally feel like I fit in somewhere. Is this what it feels like to fit in? It's nice. I like it.

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