Tension rising

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During class, Marcus and I continued to talk while still doing our work. I don't even remember the last time I had such easy conversations like the ones I had today.

When class finishes, we are still engrossed in conversation. That was until I saw 2 faces I definitely didn't want to see. Especially after what I overheard and what Mason then said to me. Marcus must have noticed that I didn't reply as he turned his attention to where I was looking. When he looked back at me, he seemed pretty pissed off.

“Marcus are you ok?” I question

“No the asshole is looking over here looking “concerned”” he started getting more angry as time passed.

Not long after, Marcus said that I saw that Mason and Brittany were heading in our direction. So I subtly hint to Marcus to shut up, which he did.

What do these 2 want now. I'm not in the mood to deal with them again. And just after, I was starting to be happy again, too. Always have to ruin my happiness, I guess.

“Hey Al-” Mason tried to start but was interrupted

“Piss off, no one wants to see you here ass-kisser” Marcus plainly stated with slight hints of anger.

“I wasn't talking to you, smart ass." Mason glared at Marcus

“Whatever dork” Mason states, shooting back a glare he then turns to me “Ace you wanna go or talk to these nuisances?”

“The fuck you just call us!” Mason raised his voice

“You heard me nuisance go” Marcus firmly stated

“Alice are you seriously gonna let this dumbass?” Mason questioned sound outrages at the thought

“I…Uh…I'm not siding with anyone. What do you want anyway?” I stumbled but found my words again

“Whatever so are you gonna have lunch with us or hang out with this nerdy jock and his freak friends?” Mason rudely said

“The fuck did you just say you peice of shit. At least I know how to treat my friend.” Mason snapped

“Whatever let's go Alice” Mason states rolling his eyes and dragging me again

While being dragged away I hear a snicker behind me. Not to long after that I feel the grip on my wrist begin to tighten. While trying to pull my wrist away from the grip I can feel it getting tighter and tighter to a point where I feel tears bubbling up in my eyes.

“Mason let go it's starting to hurt please” I state trying to avoid breaks in my voice

“Whatever just suck it up” He grumbled

“Come on Mason be a little bit nicer Ali is our our friend right” Brittany joyfully says

“Yeah I guess so……Sorry Ali” He mumbles letting go of my wrist

“It's fine I guess” I mumble back looking at my bruised wrist

Looking around the corridor I see it's mostly empty except for 2 familiar face. Andreas and Oliver. They look over at me giving me a sceptical look before wondering over.

“Hey Ace” Andreas greets

“Hey Oliver, Andreas” I greet back slightly less energetic than this morning.

“Firstly your our friend so call us Oli and Dreas those are the nickname Rubs and Sai came up with. Oh right Sadie's nickname is Sai sorry. Secondly, are you still having lunch with us.” Oliver states

“Oh um I would still like to-” I say almost finishing my sentence before being interrupted

“Nah she good how bout you run along freak” Mason and Brittany spat

“Sorry but that's not your choice” Andreas states calmly

“WHERE THE FUCK IS MY CHILD????” I hear yelled from I don't know where

Almost immediately after that storming footsteps. The footsteps get louder and more aggressive as they come closer to where we are. I look over to Oli and Dreas and see smug smirks settled on their faces.

I have a bad feeling about this.

The footsteps get even closer. Only having to round a corner before we see who was behind the boisterous yell and storming footsteps. Rounding the corner, I see a furious looking Rubs. I haven't overly seen Ruby angry, Its bone chilling. From the look on her face to the way she is standing. You can tell she's surious.

“Ace come here please dear.” Ruby says eerily calm when compared to how she was not even a second ago.

Doing as she asked I walked up to her.

“Yes Rubs” I say trying to stay calm

“Show me your wrist please” She asks still using the same tone

I show her my wrist not wanting to make her anymore mad then she already was. I watch her examine my wrist before she turns to Sadie.

“Sai dear take Ace to the infirmary please” She calmly states no reminance of her usual bubbly self.

I look over at Sadie the same sort of aura seems to roll off of her as it does off of Ruby.

They seem so angry why??

“No issue there Rubs, Mar make sure Rubs doesn't hurt them to badly alright?” Sai asked

“No promises” Marcus bluntly states

A sigh from Sadie is the last thing I hear before she lightly pulls me in the direction of the infirmary. On the walk I have so many questions circling though my head.

“Are you okayed??” Sadie's calming voice snaps me out of those questions

“Hm…Oh….Yeah yeah I'll be fine.” I stumble over my words out of shock

“Sorry you had to see me and Rubs like that but when Mar told us about what started to happen and we got a text from Oli saying that Dreas had saw a bruise on your wrist. Well we got kinda angry.” Sai said sounding guilty

“Oh its ok honestly I was just a bit surprised” I stated truthfully

When did Oli text Sai and Rubs telling them I don't remember seeing Oli grab out his phone. Why were Sai and Rubs so angry. Did I-

My thoughts were cut off by the sight of the infirmary being right in front of us.

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