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Diego found himself struggling to comprehend the old woman's words, prompting him to nod in agreement to avoid further confusion.

"Alright, Lola (grandma), I'll return another day, but before I go, can I at least get her cell phone number?" Diego said with a smile, playfully scratching his head. The old woman chuckled, shaking her head but wearing a knowing smile.

"You're quite mischievous, young man. Your question will be answered when you step out that door."

As Diego rushed to the door, he couldn't resist returning to embrace the old woman, expressing his gratitude with a heartfelt,

"Thank you, Lola! (Grandma) "

Upon opening the door, a blinding light enveloped him, leaving him bewildered by his surroundings. A bustling street filled with vendors and people dressed in unfamiliar attire lay before him.

"Have I time-traveled? Is this a market?"

Diego pondered as he strolled through the scene. The sight of Guardia Civil (civil guards) and elderly individuals in historical photographs hinted at a different era, possibly the 1800's  Rizal's time.

Amidst his amazement, Diego spotted a familiar face—a woman buying vegetables. Excitedly approaching her, he exclaimed,

"It's you!" The woman, seemingly unsurprised, responded,

"Oh, Diego, what are you doing here? You made me sit on the bus, didn't you?"

Diego, now even more perplexed, questioned, "How did you know my name?"

The woman grinned. She held Diego by the arm, inviting him for a walk and promising to share many stories.

As they strolled through enchanting places, Diego couldn't contain his curiosity. 

"What's your name, miss?" he asked.

"Isabella," she replied with a sweet smile. 

Diego couldn't help but compliment her: "Your name is beautiful; it suits you, Isabella." 

Her sweet smile and delicate touches had an inexplicable effect on Diego, leaving him feeling as if he were suspended in the air, overwhelmed by a sense of profound longing with every interaction. The fragrance of her perfume enveloped him, an enchanting blend that surpassed any scent he had ever encountered in his entire existence. Its allure was a symphony of notes, captivating his senses and leaving an indelible mark on his memory. The olfactory experience was so profound that it seemed to linger in the air long after she had passed, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that Diego found irresistible.

Her eyes held a mesmerizing quality, captivating and deep as if they held secrets waiting to be unraveled. Each gaze from her seemed to cast a spell on Diego, igniting a fire within him that threatened to consume his every thought. The intensity of her stare had a magnetic effect, drawing him closer and leaving him on the verge of obsession.

Diego found himself slowly succumbing to the enchantment, his emotional barriers gradually melting away like ice under the warmth of the sun. The allure of her presence became a gravitational force, anchoring him to the moment and making him reluctant to contemplate leaving. In the embrace of her captivating eyes and the lingering fragrance, Diego felt as if time had suspended, creating a sanctuary he was reluctant to abandon.

After a delightful day of sightseeing, Isabella extended a warm invitation to Diego, inviting him to join her for dinner at her family's home. Despite the passage of time, Diego found himself invigorated rather than tired, captivated by the natural beauty of their surroundings and the simplicity of the local lifestyle. The absence of towering buildings, air pollution, and the presence of wide, clean roads contributed to the serene atmosphere. The residents, characterized by their respectful demeanor, added to the charm of the place.

Upon arriving at Isabella's residence, the pair were promptly welcomed by a female steward named Andeng. With a courteous greeting, she informed Isabella that dinner was ready, and both of her parents eagerly awaited them at the dining table. Expressing gratitude, Isabella acknowledged Andeng's message, revealing a glimpse of the affluent lifestyle she enjoyed. Diego, taking in the grandeur of Isabella's mansion-like home, couldn't help but remark, 

"You're rich."

Isabella, with a nonchalant air, attributed their prosperity to her father's successful business ventures and the inheritance of vast lands and properties in the area.

As they approached the dining table, Isabella's parents greeted Diego warmly, their smiles radiating genuine friendliness. Diego, taken aback by their familiarity with the details of his life, including the names of his mother and sister, was on the verge of inquiring about the source of their information. However, a sense of embarrassment held him back. Isabella's father, sensing Diego's unease, assured him that he was welcome to spend the night. Understanding that Diego was a stranger in their midst, he empathetically added, 

"We realize you don't know anyone here, and you can rest comfortably in this place for the night."

Despite the initial shame, Diego couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected hospitality extended to him.

After a delightful dinner, Isabella graciously led Diego to her room, prompting him to inquire nervously.

"Is it acceptable for me to spend the night here with you, Isabella?"

"Why would that be embarrassing?"

Isabella responded with a hint of amusement in her voice. 

"Remember, Diego, it was my father who extended the invitation."

She flashed a warm smile, alleviating any lingering uncertainty for Diego.

"Oh, thank you," he added, a touch of shyness coloring his expression. Isabella, mindful of Diego's comfort, promptly instructed Andeng, their female steward, to attend to Diego's needs and ensure he felt at home.

Relaxing on the generously sized and intricately adorned bed, Diego marveled at its grandeur, reminiscent of beds seen in epic historical series on platforms like Netflix. Despite the initial strangeness of his surroundings, Diego's joy overshadowed any discomfort, and he soon drifted into a deep, peaceful slumber, feeling as if the bed itself cradled him.

As the night passed, Diego was startled awake by a gentle voice calling his name. Opening his eyes, he found Isabella by his side, gently urging him to wake up for the new day. 

"Diego, it's morning. Let's enjoy breakfast together, and we still have many places to explore,"

She cheerfully declared. Diego, feeling a tinge of guilt, apologized, saying, 

"I'm sorry, Isabella; I slept so well."

Isabella, instead of reproaching him, simply smiled, her expression radiating understanding. In those moments, Diego couldn't help but find joy in observing Isabella's simple yet captivating beauty once again.

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