El Pasado

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The cell phone rings, and Aling Thess, Diego's mother, hears it while tending to her laundry.

"Whose cellphone is that ringing?" she wonders.

checking her device. However, the source of the sound is revealed to be Diego's phone, left on a chair at the dining table. Aling Thess picks it up and answers, realizing Diego may have forgotten it during breakfast.

"Oh, that boy forgot," she remarks before greeting the caller, Claire.

"Hello, Aunt Thess?" Claire inquires.

"This is Claire. Is Diego there?"

 Aling Thess informs Claire that Diego went to Angono for an art exhibit walk. Claire is surprised that Diego didn't mention it. Despite hesitating, she decides to follow him, thinking it might turn out to be an adventurous surprise.

Claire begins her journey to Angono, encountering her grandfather, Lolo Karing, who is busy with his charms (Amulets). They exchange greetings, and Claire reveals her plans to stroll around Angono's art exhibits. Lolo Karing, noting the first quarter moon, warns her about a portal named "El Pasado" on Doña Aurora Street, cautioning that it takes souls and never returns. Claire, intrigued, questions her grandfather, who reminds her of a time when he took her there as a child. He hands her a protective cloth from the dress of the dear virgin, Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Buen Viaje of Antipolo.

During her trip, Claire contemplates pranking Diego while trying to push aside her grandfather's warning about "El Pasado." Arriving in Angono after two and a half hours, she explores the art studios but doesn't find Diego. As she walks, an old woman seems to beckon her, leading her to a street sign reading "El Pasado." Nervously, Claire follows and, after turning a corner, finds herself standing before the mysterious portal. Claire pursues the elderly woman, who has suddenly vanished. She discovered that she had entered the gateway "El Pasado." She, too, approached a wooden door that Diego had previously entered, leading to an art gallery, both terrified and intrigued. The elderly woman she was pursuing greeted her there; her name was Lola Soledad. The old woman greeted her and said,

"Hello, Claire!" I've known you since you were a child, and your Lolo Karing brought you here because you, too, have a particular gift.

Claire's eyes widened in disbelief as Lola Soledad spoke of her ability to see spirits. Memories flooded back to her childhood—moments when she thought she saw glimpses of otherworldly beings but dismissed them as mere imagination. Lolo Karing, her grandfather, had always been a mysterious figure in her life, but she never thought that there was a connection between her and the supernatural. Lola Soledad led Claire through the art gallery, revealing hidden passages and secret rooms that seemed to defy the laws of space and time. The paintings on the walls, including Isabella's, depicted scenes from different eras, and Claire couldn't help but feel a strange energy emanating from each one. The air itself seemed to be charged with magic. As they ventured deeper into El Pasado, Lola explained that this mystical realm held the key to healing and redemption. It was a place where one could confront the ghosts of their past and find closure. However, Isabella, the malevolent spirit, had twisted the power of El Pasado for her dark purposes. Claire's heart raced at the mention of Diego being in danger. Lola Soledad urged her to tap into her gift, to trust her instincts, and to follow the spiritual energy that surrounded them. The two women moved through the gallery with a sense of urgency, their steps echoing in the otherworldly space. They arrived at a room adorned with a swirling vortex of colors. Lola Soledad explained that this was the gateway to Isabella's domain, where she held Diego captive. The air grew heavy, and Claire could sense the presence of the evil spirit lurking beyond the portal.

Lola Soledad placed a hand on Claire's shoulder and said, 

"You have the power to break the spell and free Diego. Trust in your gift, Claire, and remember, love is the strongest force in both worlds."

The PortraitOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora