4: Party

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People dance and yell, all holding bottles or vapes, the air thick with smoke and odour.
I spot Mike in the kitchen with his mates and some fake blonde chicks.

I shove through the mass of bodies, attempting to get to the bedroom, only to be greeted by a very explicit game of who-knows-what.

I settle for the bathroom. The only place there aren't any people. I lock the door and sit on the closed toilet seat.
Opening my phone I scroll through my notifications.

There's a few from websites and apps...And one from an unknown number.
I tap the notification and start reading.

Unknown Number (5:30)

Hello Ginny.
Are you struggling to make
Ends meet? Not happy
With your life?
Come along and join
this dating show takes
Place in an 18th Century
Mansion in northern Ireland
The prize? Love!
Oh and $900,000
What do you say?

I sigh. Gotta love scams. But then I notice something. It knows my name.

I Google lens the text and it turns out multiple people have received this message and it's actually legit.

I think about Mike. What will he do if he finds me galavanting off to a dating show behind his back? I can't go. It's not right.

The music pumps through the floorboards, snapping me out of my thoughts. I groan as a bang shakes the bathroom door. I open it and step aside as a basically-naked man runs past and barfs into the loo.

I grimace and walk downstairs into the mass of people. If I'm going to live this through and survive until tomorrow I need a drink. I push through the sweaty crowd until I make it into the kitchen. Mike and his friends are still hanging out with those bad-dyejob chicks. I grab a bottle of gin from the fridge along with some tonic water. I open the dishwasher in search of a clean cup.

Once I pour my drink, one of Mike's friends comes to lean on my shoulder.
"Sup' bitch" he gurgles into my ear. I frown as the stench of beer and bad breath floats into my face.

"Hello Tony" I push him off and make to leave the room, only to be stopped by a squeaky giggle. I turn around, ready to scold whichever of the blonde bitches made the sound when I see Mike kissing someone in the corner.

My heart stops. I know he's abusive, but it still hurts.

I open my messages and reply to the unknown Number.

You (7:21)
I'm in

The reply was instant:

Unknown Number (7:21)
Great. We have payed for your
Plane ticket. It departs
At 08:00 AM tomorrow.

We will send further instructions.

I lean back, excitement flows through me. A game show! But more than that: 2 weeks away from work. Away from Mike.


What do you think? I had to give Ginny a reason to go to The Mansion!!

Plus it adds extra drama ✨

I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas for the later story!! Drop me a message!


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