Chapter 1

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      I woke up at 7:30 am when I slowly got up from my bed I didn't exactly put my feet down at the same time, so when I put my feet down I slipped on my pencil and face planted on the floor. "Ouch!" I yelled out.   I had to go to the restroom so I quickly got up and went to my restroom which was right across from my bed. ~ Skip the Restroom part~ I came out and I had my white tank top and multicolored pajama sweatpants. I went downstairs to greet my mum good morning. You see my mum and I very close. Since dad left she wanted me to have the best. You may not believe it, but my mum used to go to this school called 'Hogwarts'. It's for young witches and wizards. They teach you stuff like how to defend yourself against the dark arts, how to make potions, herbology, and other subjects. It sounded amazing! When my mum told me about a sport they played called 'Quidditch' when I learned what it was I played it with my mum every time we went camping alone. 

    Well anyways I walked up to my mum and said "Bon matin mama!" I said. " Bon matin ma Chérie"  She responded.  In case you're wondering, my mum is French so yes I have to speak French to my mum. My dad was British and they met at Hogwarts their first year. Dad asked her to be his girlfriend their 5th year at Hogwarts.  He asked her to marry him the day they graduated. 11 years later He leaves. 3 Years later, he comes and tries to talk to me, but I ignore him. So I came up to the counter and grabbed myself some toast, jelly, bacon, and orange juice and started eating it. 

"Get down Emma  we eat on this counter" My mum said to me with her little French accent and I laughed and got off.

Then my brother came down and my sister too right when we started talking about how I wished to be a great singer just like Taylor Swift or Lana Del Rey and my brother just said "That's never going to happen". Of course I ignored him, then my mum spoke.

" Last night I got a letter from Hogwarts addressed to you and I haven't opened it yet so here." my mum said to me while going to a drawer, getting out the letter, and handing it to me and reading it to myself.

« Vraiment! OH! Je ne peux pas y croire. Mama, je vais aller à la même école que vous allé quand vous étiez un adolescent! Je ne peux pas croire que je suis accepté! Il est dit qu'ils sont désolés pour l'envoyer 3 années en retard en raison de problèmes qui ont été qui se produisent à l'école, mais ils sont tous pris en charge. » I explained to my mum in French.

*"Really!!OH! I can't believe it. Mum I'm going to go to the same school you went when you were ateenager!I can't believe I got accepted! it says they're sorry for sending it 3 years late because of problems that have been occurring at the school, but they are all taken care of."*

«C'est ma chérie génial! Quand les classe de départ?» My mum asked.

*"That's great sweetie! When are the classes starting?"*

«dit-il le début des cours .... EN DEUX JOURS!!??» I responded.

*"it says classes start.... IN TWO DAYS!!!!????"*

« Okay alors allons-y pour le Chemin de Traverse et obtenir tout ce dont vous avez besoin.» My mum said to me as she went to the chimney and got this powder from above.

*"okay then let's go to diagon alley and get everything you need."*

"This is floo powder you go to the chimney And you say where you want to go, so for this one you say Diagon Alley but you have to pronounce it very clearly okay." She said.

"okay then." I said as I got a hand full of the powder and made my way to the chimney and said. "Diagon Alley" and I let it go and it went into green un-harmful flames.  

I appeared in this place with a bunch of stores and everything. I looked around while staying in place and spotted a candy store. yesss!!!! I said in my mind. I got a tap on my shoulder and turned around and saw my mum.

" okay here this is 140 gallions here's the list of everything your going to need this year okay meet me back here in exactly 2 hours.I'm going to go to see your cousins real quick, okay? Adieu chérie" she said and she apparated away and I was left alone.

"Okay so where is the wand shop place" I said looking at my list and walking.

Not watching where I was going I accidentally bumped into two tall redheads.

"AHH!!!" They both said together.

They rubbed their shoulders and looked at me. They looked exactly alike.... 'Twins' I thought.

 "I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going and I am kind of lost here, and sorry again." I said as I looked at them.  

They both said "It's okay. My name is Fred, and I'm George" 

I looked at them.

"Hi I'm Emma Williams but you can call me Em or Emma" I smiled.

"Nice to meet you Emma."George said and smiled.  

"Yeah nice to meet you. And I'm going to call you Em." Fred said .

 "Okie-dokie" I said.

"Well I have to go get everything for this year so I'll see you on the train yeah?"  They both nodded and walked away.

I smiled and waved and got back to work. I got everything and had half hour time to spare so I went to the candy store and got some munchies for the train. I was walking back to meet up with my mum when AGAIN I accidentally bumped into a girl with orange-ish hair.

"Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't watching" she said. 

"yeah me too sorry, I'm Emma but you can call me Em." I said.

 "I'm Hermione." she said smiling. 

"Well I have to go meet my mum. I'll see you on the train:" I said.

 She nodded and I headed back to my mum.

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