Chapter 8

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After Dumbledore finished speaking about the Tri-Wizard Cup and the Tournament, Hermione told me that after we ate the feast of the delicious nourriture that was presented in front of us, just appearing out of thin air, we would go to the dormitories and she would show me where I would be sleeping. Ron and I ate through all the nourriture we could before we felt like our stomachs would pop. I loved this food, chicken and pork, tarts and gâteau, it was all so heavenly. Once I was done, Hermione said it was time to go find the dormitories.

We went to the Gryffindor common room, going through five moving staircases. They tend to change, as if they had a mind of their own; cute. Our arrival to the common room was delayed, seeing as how the friendly neighbourhood staircases kept moving about; switching and switching to different corridors. We finally arrived at the common room fifteen minutes late, fifteen minutes we could have arrived, if it weren't for those lovely stairs, after we left the Great Hall.

Hermione said the 'magic word', seriously, because once she did the painting of the gros madame, opened. We entered the common room and there in this living room setting that you would see at home, sat six people, four boys and two girls. Three of the four boys I knew, sort of. It was Fred, George, and Oliver. Though I haven't the slightest on who the two filles were, it was major awkward in there. Literally, it was like you could feel the awkward in the room, until Fred spoke.

"Emma, this is Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell. Angelina is on the Quidditch team with us."Fred said.

"Pleasure," I said with a warm smile," It's lovely to make your acquaintance."

"Angelina, Katie, this is Emma Williams, daughter of Skylar Williams and Claire Royce." George said, now his turn to speak.

"Really, how do you all know this?" I asked them, not a bit freaked out.

"We did our research. " They both said simultaneously and a bit sinister.

"Skylar Williams and Claire Royce, the best quidditch players from their time. You're their daughter?" Oliver said looking in my direction.

I inhaled deeply and spoke letting out the air in my lungs with the words I had to say, " Yeah."

"Well sorry to break this all up, whatever this is, but I need to go and wrote a letter to my mum, sort of promised her I'd wrote the minute I got at Hogwarts; though I have been delaying that for the past two hours so, if you all don't mind." I said making my way to the stairs in which Hermione was waiting at impatiently.

" Of course, so sorry to keep you, it was nice to finally meet you, I mean you know after 3 hours." Angelina said giggling at her comment then waving me good-bye.

"Right then," I said waving at her and following Hermione up to a point where they couldn't hear us, "I hope I make friends here.."

I looked in the room and found like five bunk beds in a row on each side. I found a suitcase with a sticker that read, "C'est La Vie Ma Petite Crotte, Merdé À Passé°." That was my suitcase. I loved the words that were on it. It was true. "That's life my little shit, shit happens," because shit does happen. Things that we do not want, nor need happen, and its all inutile, ridicules, et stupide. I walked up to my suitcase, which was beside my bed. Maggs and Sébastien we already there waiting for my patiently. Maggs on her pedestal, and Sébastien on my bed, curled up in a ball like always.

I looked at Hermione then back at my things.

"They got here when we are at the Great Hall." She explained.

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