Chapter 3

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The door opened, and to my surprise it was the twins from Diagon Alley. They entered the small compartment.

"Hello." I said sweetly. "Hello, Emma" Fred said. "Hey, Emmy" George said. I waved to them and went back to listening to Alesana, but then Fred began to speak.  " Emma, I want you to meet a friend of ours, Oliver Wood. He's the Quidditch Captain for Gryffindor at Hogwarts." "Pleasure to meet you, I want to try out for Chaser for Gryffindor, but I'm afraid I don't think I am good enough to even try out." I said directing my response to Oliver Wood. "The pleasure is all mine, and well try outs begin this Saturday if you want to give it a shot?" He said in his scottish accent. "Ah, but see there's a problem, I am barely starting here, and I don't know what house I'm going to be in." I said to him. I looked at him, he nodded his head and sighed. "Alright then, well we'll see what happens." He replied.

Fred's POV: 

"Hey George, I think we should give them sometime alone to get to know each other before we get to Hogwarts."  I said. "Good idea Fred, let's tell the rest of them to give them some space."  George replied. We nodded together and went over to Ron, Hermione, and Harry and whispered in their ears our plan. They nodded and slowly got up. Emma and Oliver looked at us as if we were covered with paint. We waved good-bye and closed the compartment door behind us.

"We're doing them a favor. Trust me." George said smiling.

Hermione shook her head and went to go find another compartment. Ron and Harry followed. As for us, we went to go find Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson.

Emma's POV:

"Well isn't that awkward...." I said trailing off. Oliver looked at me and laughed. "Those two are always upto something." He said still a bit laughing. "I've noticed..." I said holding back my laughter. "So.. Ummm, what made you want to play Quidditch?" Oliver asked. "Oh, well. My mum used to go to Hogwarts, back in her day, and she was the Beater for Gryffindor, as for my Father he was the Beater for Slytherin." I explained. " Really? That's amazing!" He said smiling. Oliver and I continued to talk about Quidditch and somethings about me here and there. Then, the compartment opened up with Hermione popping her head in. "Emma, we need to go change, we're almost there." She said as she waited for me outside. "Alright, I'm coming." I replied, "I'll be right back. Excuse me." I said to Oliver. He nodded and looked out the window.

   "So, what's going on between you and Oliver?" Hermione said as she lead the way to the changing rooms.  "There's nothing going on Hermione, We're just friends, I think." I said uncertain. "Mmmphmm, sure you are." She said in a 'I know you like him' sort of tone. " If you're implying that I like him? That maybe a bit true." I said looking around. "I knew it! Of course you'd like Oliver, he is infact very good looking." She stated all-knowingly. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

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