Chapter 5

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I looked up at Oliver, his hands still on my waist, and my arms still wrapped around his neck.

"Umm.. I'm going to go.." I said as I let go and walked back to the compartment where all my things were. I opened the door, and closed it behind me. I stood infront of the door, back turned towards it, frozen, heart beating faster than ever before.

"What just happened? Why am I feeling this way?!" I said as I took a seat, put both my legs up on the seat, and held on to them for dear life.

I looked outside the window, this isn't happening, at least not to me. 'If there's any chance that Oliver really did like me its like 1 out of a bajillion. Meaning that Oliver Wood, would never like me.' I ran my fingers through my hair, eyes closed, and breathed in deeply. I hid my face in my knees and just sat there.

I heard a small creak near the door, but I didn't move. I just sat there, the compartment door opened and closed.

"Hey, I'm sorry about that. I just didn't want Malfoy to get you....erm, I mean, because he's a Slytherin, and you're barely starting." He said trying to explain.

I turned my head and just looked at him for about 45 seconds without speaking. I nodded my head, and went back to staring at the window.

"Em, please talk." He begged, he put a hand on my shoulder, and stared at me caringly.

"Fine, it's okay Oliver. I didn't mind. It was nothing, we're not un couple. Tu n'es pas mon petit copain, et je ne suis pas ton petite copine, tout droite. C'est la vie et réalité, dans laquelle nous devons tout faire face, le vérité. " I said.

"What? I understood most of it, except the rest of it." Oliver said somewhat confused.

"We're not a couple, you're not my boyfriend, and I'm not your girlfriend, all right. That's life and reality, in which we must all face, the truth." I said repeating my words in English.

"Was that french?" Oliver said.

"Ou- I mean yes." I said correcting myself.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about all that. Friends though?" He said with a light smile.

"Friends." I said returning the smile.

"One more thing, before I leave. You said it was nothing, what did you mean by that?" Oliver asked.

"Well since you and I are not really dating, it doesn't mean anything. Unless you thought so, then it's perfectly fine." I said understandingly.

"Right, no it meant nothing. Becareful with him though. He's not a good person." He said before leaving the compartment.

I thought I could sense it on him that he was a bit hurt from my words, but it's true? I know Draco isn't a very nice person, Hermione explained. I looked back out the window and thought about my father. I pulled out my father's picture from my pocket. If he were still here.... The train stopped. We must be here already. I got up, put on my back pack and Guitar case, and looked out the compartment. Everyone was leaving the compartments that they were in. I got out and saw two tall red heads. Oh Fred and George why must you both be so tall. I followed the twins to see where they were going. They got onto a small row boat, where hundreds of others that were attending Hogwarts this year, getting onto other small boats. There must have been a thousand boats out there in the water.

"Are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to get on a boat?" I heard someone say behind me. 

I turned to see where the voice was coming from and to my surprise it was Harry Potter. I looked at him, and he pointed to the boat infront of us.

"Right, get in the boat.. of course.." I said as I placed on foot on the boat making sure it was stable, then placed my whole body in it.

I took a seat next to a boy holding a toad and Hermione. I looked at the boy's toad and began to pet it. I looked back up. Hermione, Harry, and the boy stared at me as if I was crazy.

"What? It's not like it's going to eat my hand." I said stiffling back my laughter and still petting the toad.

"No one has ever petted Neville's... frog... before." Hermione said looking disgusted.

"It's not a frog, it's a toad." I said accompanied by another voice, which so happened to be the boy's nex to me.

"And why not? This small creature deserves to be touched and cared for just as any common household pet. Unusual yet unique, this toad needs love and affection, which this boy, Neville, has given him. Do not judge him, because this lovely creature creates warts on you're skin. But accept him, because he is a creature of this earth. Just like a cat, or a dog." I said defending the little defenseless creature I was petting.

Hermione looked at me shocked, with no words coming out of her mouth. Neville didn't object, he smiled and petted his toad as well. During our little dispute, I hadn't realised that we had arrived to the school. It was absolutely beautiful. The castle was amazing. Breath-taking actually. We got off the boat and grabbed our things. I saw the two tall red-heads a few feet infront of me once again.

"Oi Fred, George, may I speak to you both please." I said as I finally caught up with them.

             They turned around, looked at each other and nodded simultaneaously. 


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            -Jordan Sommers x

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