Part 1: Caught In The Eyes of the Mafia

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Bakugou's POV

I groan loudly and thump my fist against the wall as my pager vibrates and beeps.

"Can't I ever catch a fucking break?" I sit up slowly and Kirishima chuckles and stands up as his pager vibrates before beeping.

"Well, this hospital is the best hospital in the area. Can't get too comfy in the break room."

I grunt as I jump down from the small bunk.

"Easy Bakugou. Might have to go to physical therapy side if you keep doing that."

I huff and readjust my scent patch before opening the door. "Oh shut it. I'll be fine. Let's just go see what we got this time. It better be fucking good or I swear." I walk out the door and Kirishima follows. We jog down the hallway as a few people are rushed to the OR on stretchers.

I stop and ask a nurse, "The fuck is going on?"

"Language please. But there was a big accident. Multi-car pileup. The traumas are just coming in and less critical cases will be in soon."

I nod and jog to the ER. The rest of the traumas were already being taken and I sigh, thumping back against the wall. "We missed the best part. Now we just gotta deal with extras."

"Aww come on Bakugou. It's not that bad! At least it's less stressful."

"I go well under stress, Dumbass."

I hear the sounds of heels clicking in the hallway and I immediately look up. Roundface. Fucking great.

Her annoying voice chirps happily, "Hello Katsuki, Eijirou."

I growl as Kirishima waves at her. "It's Doctor Bakugou. I'm just as much of a doctor as you and wish to be called as such."

"Oh don't get your panties in a twist! We're all friends."

I growl louder and Kirishima gently rests his hand on my shoulder.

"If Doctor Bakugou wishes to be called such, you should call him such. It's decency."

She waves him off and I roll my eyes. "Sure whatever. So Bakugou, are you free tomorrow? I have of-"

"No. I'm working."

"Ah- But the schedule said-"

I glare at her then look away. "Too bad. Schedule's wrong."

"Oh come on Bakugou. Why won't you go out with me? I've given you courting gifts, tried taking you on dates-"

"Oh for God's sake, I'm fucking gay! I like men! I'm queer! Why can't you understand that?!"

I glance over as everyone in the ER looked at me and go quiet. I huff and stomp off as I shoved Roundface out of the way, making my way to the bathroom. I shut and lock the bathroom door, placing my hands on the sink and sighing, staring into the mirror. Fuck... Aizawa definitely isn't gonna like this.

My pager starts beeping and vibrating. "Speak of the devil," I mumble to myself. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom, making my way up to Aizawa's office. I knock on the door and hear his gruff, tired voice, "Come in."

I sigh and open the door, immediately the words flood out. "I'm sorry Sir. She's just been a real pain in my ass. It's fucking annoying with her constantly trying to court me. I've tried telling her nicely that I'm not into her and she still doesn't listen. I just snapped, okay? I'm sorry."

He raises his brow and stares at me. "Are you done?"

I nod slowly. "Yes sir."

"Good. Cause we're launching an investigation on Doctor Uraraka. She's been claimed to have had tried to force herself upon many Omega doctors, and we heard that included you. So we need your statement. Has Doctor Uraraka done anything to you? Anything at all?"

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