Part 2: Just Another Day In the ER

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Bakugou's POV

A slam my fist on top of my alarm clock and groan. "Fuck it's too early for this..."

I trudge out of bed and clear my throat as I go to the closet, pulling out a fresh pair of scrubs and slowly change. I fix my hair and groggily go downstairs to get breakfast.

I open the fridge and rub my head as I pull out a pizza box from last night. My days off never last long but at least I have leftovers for breakfast. I take a few slices out and throw them on a plate and into the microwave. I go back upstairs to get the rest of my stuff before returning.

I grab the pizza and hastily eat, even though it burns my mouth. At this point, I think I'm too tired to care. I throw the plate away and go upstairs to brush my teeth.

I finish tidying myself up and throw on my jacket before heading out the door. Kirishima is waiting at my doorstep and I jump.

"Jesus fuckin- Can you not do that?"

He chuckles. "Sorry man. You know I wait on you to go to work."

I sigh and start walking.

"Woah man. What's got your panties in a twist?"

My eye twitches and I glare at him. "Don't-"

"Sorry man. I forget you sensitive about it."

"Ugh. Just shut up and let's get to work. Those Mafia bastards better be gone or I swear to Christ."

"Uhhh. About that."

I stop. "Kiri. Don't finish it."

He continues past me. "Okie-dokie then."

I sigh and start walking again, groaning softly. This is already going to be a long day I can fucking feel it.

As we approach at work, most of the in-treatment patients were still asleep and we clock in. I head to the locker room to put my stuff down and hook my pager on. Kirishima follows and grabs a snack out of his locker.

He glances at me as I finish buttoning up my coat. "Want some?"

I look over and shake my head. "Had some pizza from yesterday."

"Okay then!"

My pager goes off and I grumble before I gently put my head against my locker. "You're fucking joking."

Kirishima's pager goes off as well. "Well duty's calling!"

He walks off and out and I drag my hand over my face. "It's gonna be a good day. It's gonna be a good day. It's gonna be a good day," I repeat to myself for a few times before walking out and to the floor.

A nurse catches my attention. "Yes?"

"Sorry to bother you Doctor, but the patient in room 1 is requesting your assistance. He said he's feeling pain, complaining of high temperature, and numbness around a wound."

I sigh and nod as she hands me a copy of his chart. "Understood. Can you check some of the other patients I treated if they're still here? I'll discharge the well ones soon."

She nods and jogs away as I walk to the room, sliding open the curtain. "So sir, I see you have a-" I look up and it's the Alpha I sent to surgery. "You're fucking joking."

"Hey Prince~"

I grit through my teeth, "It's Doctor Bakugou." I huff and sigh, "So I heard you were complaining of pain, numbness, and high temperature. Correct?"

He nods. "Yeahhh. My leg is really numb and it's kinda hot and I kinda hurt."

I sigh and nod. "Well the numbness has to deal with the medicine they put on your wound, it keeps it from hurting." I come close and check his forehead. "You don't have a fever..." I look around at the thermostat and walk over to it. "It's set higher than usual-" I turn it down and then turn back to him. "You said you had pain? Where is it?"

"It's kinda at the base of my hairline. It's like... Stinging."

I nod and walk to him, reaching for the gloves and slipping them on. "Sit up."

He does so and I carefully look around his hairline. There's a- "You never said you had a wound back here-"

"Oh. I've been wondering why it hurt so bad."

I sigh and look at him. "I'll be back with stitches."

I leave the room and and come back a few minutes later to him looking at his phone.

"Sir you're gonna need to put that down so I can ensure that you stay still."

He nods and set it down as I quickly prepare the suture. "Sit up and stay completely still."

He nods and I carefully start to stitch the wound closed. Luckily it hadn't nicked anything but it was enough to get through skin. If I had to guess, it was probably a knife wound. I carefully cut the stitch and lean him back. "There. It's stitched. You'll need to not move around a lot to keep it from opening and give it time to heal. The sutures will dissolve as it heals."

He nods and smiles. "Thanks Prince."

I growl and go to walk off, taking off the gloves.


I glance back at him and raise a brow. "Yes?"

"Your scrub top is on backwards."

I quickly feel around for the pockets and my eyes widen before I relax again. "Thank you. Get some rest."

I quickly close the curtain and rush myself to the bathroom. I take off my coat and quickly pull my arms into my scrubs before spinning it around and grabbing my name tag, placing it back on front. I sigh and relax before washing my hands and leaving the bathroom.

Surprisingly, that Alpha wasn't so bothersome throughout the day. I learned his name was Izuku. I know, shame on me for not knowing my patient's name immediately. But seriously, it's weird because the group that came to visit him called him Deku, and that sounded so familiar. I didn't know what or where but I'm probably sure to find out soon, probably after he's gone.

Oh boy was I wrong...

The hospital had cleared Izuku to go home as long as he has his friends take good care of him. I was the one that got to tell him the news since he specifically called for me.

I grab the discharge papers from the desk and bring them to his area, sliding open the curtain. "Well Mr. Midoriya, you're going home. Now, your friends have to keep an eye on you and make sure to take care of the wound. We don't need you back here again please."

One of the taller Alphas stood up and outstretched his hand as Izuku sat up. He gently took his hand and he pulled him up, Izuku leaning on him for support.

The Alpha spoke softly, "You sure you can support yourself, Boss?"

My eyes widen. "B-Boss? I- He's the- I CUT A MAFIA BOSS'S PANTS?! Oh my God, I'm doomed-" I gently hit the clipboard against my forehead and groan.

"Don't sweat it Prince. Plus, who did you think I was? I left you that note and I specifically wrote Prince. Who else here calls you Prince? Certainly you didn't think I simply went by Izuku in the Mafia world?"

I look at him and grip the clipboard. "I didn't even know you were the leader! Why would I know your Mafia alias?!"

He shrugs. "Just figured you would remember one of the top Mafias in Japan. You've heard the name Deku and I know you have. You just couldn't remember, could you?"

I grumble, shoving the papers into his hand. "Just go. Make sure not to come back. Especially with another bullet hole."

I stomp away and huff as I head to the bathroom. I shut the door and grumble, looking in the mirror. I look at my scent patch and sigh as it was coming off. I pull a new one from my pocket and pull the old one off, pulling some hairs with it, and sticking the new one on. I lean against the wall and slide down as I put my head in my knees. God, I'm doomed- Izuku is definitely gonna plan to kill me.

And with that, the rest of my shift actually went well, pretty quiet too. I clock out and grab my stuff before leaving the building. Let's just hope I don't get ambushed on my way home and end up on the news tomorrow morning...

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