Chapter 3: Midnight Swim

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**Trigger Warning: Adult Themes**

The full moon shone brightly over the little waterfall that filtered into a small pond. The sound of the water trickling was a light, sweet melody. Sitting on one of the rocks by the pond, the man sat waiting. He knew eventually, the woman he loved would show up. He cherished their time together, even if it was fleeting.

Soon, he heard the rustle of the cherry trees behind him. He smiled but didn't turn around. He listened to her footsteps as she walked up behind him and felt the warmth of her skin as she slipped her arms around his neck. She leaned down and kissed his neck.

"Hi." Her voice was soft, and it made his heart race.

"Hello to you too." He said back to her, turning to look at her. "I have been waiting for you."

She smiled back at him, "Sorry to keep you waiting."

In a flash, he took ahold of her and pulled her into his lap so she was sideways. She laughed, and it was music to his ears. "It's all right, as long as I can hold you as long as I want to."

Lifting her hand, she placed it on his cheek and leaned her forehead against his. "I guess that's not such a bad request." She whispered. They both closed their eyes to enjoy the simplicity of this moment. They would do almost anything to remain in this realm of just the two of them.

He brought up one of his hands to slide into her dark curls. He felt her tremble against him. Without wasting another second, his lips captured hers in a sweet kiss. He didn't take it much farther than that. He just savored her. When he felt her lips turn into a smile, he couldn't help but reflect hers with a smile of his own.

She giggled softly and broke the kiss to look into his gaze. "Where are we?" She asked curiously.

"Somewhere I hope to take you one day," he said, leaning back and sliding the hand in her hair back to her waist. "It's at my family's home. When I come out here, I swear I can almost smell you in real life."

She looked around the clearing and out over the pond to the waterfall. "It's beautiful." She told him. She leaned into his chest naturally. It was like neither of them could stand to have any sort of distance between them.

Kissing the top of her head, he tucked it under his chin. His arms encircled her and pulled her closer. "I can't wait to bring you here."

"Me too, Bash." She agreed.

His soft laugh rumbled in his chest. "You remembered my name this time."

She swatted his arm playfully. "I do sometimes." She chuckled as she asked, "Do you remember mine?"

"Hmm... I don't know... Is it... Gertrude?" Bastian asked her as if that was the obvious answer. She snorted and swatted him again. He laughed, "Ow! Okay, okay, you got me, Calli." He leaned back to gaze down at her.

Smiling playfully, Calli met his gaze up into his eyes. "That's better."

"I've started remembering it in the waking world, too." He said proudly.

"Have you?" She asked in surprise. She struggled to remember the finer details of these dreams.

"Yes, I woke up one day, saying your name, and since then, I haven't been able to forget it," Bash said, smiling as he looked down at her.

"I sometimes have glimpses of you... or your eyes. It's like you're there and watching me," Calli admitted to him, "You disappear so fast; sometimes I feel like I just imagined you."

He nodded, "I see you sometimes you. Not always the full you, but when I'm in a crowd, I'll think I see you up ahead of me. I end up running up to you, and it's never you." He sighed. He always got so disappointed in those moments. It was as if the world was finally making sense; he'd found her, and then the second she turned around, it wasn't her. His world would come crumbling down, and he'd lose all the hope he had been holding on to. These dreams would bring back that hope.

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