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Freddy: *searching up baby names and shitz*

Bonnie: I'm bored.

Freddy: Well go occupy yourself!

Bonnie: ahm....no....*takes laptop*

Freddy: BON!

Bonnie: Dont raise your voice at the baby... *playing innocent*

Freddy: ...Alright sorry.

Bonnie: Mhm. *searching up Freddys name*

Freddy: Whatcha doing?

Bonnie: You have a German name...

Freddy: And?! You and Clyde are Scottish named!

Bonnie: We are?!

Freddy: Mhm. Bonnie meaning beautiful or attractive and Clyde being the name of a Scottish river.

Bonnie: How do you know this?

Freddy: I like people to think I'm the 'dumb' one.

Bonnie: Well do you know that Freddy is an amazing best friend, who can be trusted with anything. He is cute, nice, strong, smart and trustworthy. he knows exactly where to tickle you, and he can always make you smile, even if your having a terrible day. hes always nice, and will protect the ones he loves. hes the best friend ever. (I looked that up. I was interested Kay?)

Freddy: Do you know that we're meant to look up names?!

Bonnie: Do you know that I couldn't give a fazfuck?

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