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Noah woke up to the same usual sound of Henley’s voice shouting in his ear. It was distantly quiet, until he finally woke up more, and the annoying boy’s voice seemed to shatter his eardrum.

“Henley!” Noah shouted, sitting up slightly so he could grab his pillow and slap his friend with it. Henley let out a laugh and grabbed for the fabric.

“Don’t waste all your energy hitting me,” Henley started, stepping away from the tired boy. “Save it for Amelia tonight.”

Noah sat up fully and rubbed his eyes. Maybe it was the lack of sleep he felt he got, but he had no idea what Henley was on about. “Why would I hit Amelia?” He asked, slowly unzipping the sleeping bag and stepping out into the cold air. The chill seeped into his legs quickly, and he realized that his duck pajamas were no longer keeping the warmth they used to.

“Capture the flag tonight, remember?” Henley stated, tying the shoelaces on his smiley face covered sneakers. Noah admired them for a second, looking for all the smiley faces he’d snuck on there. That was until Henley’s words hit him.

“That’s tonight? I thought it was next week?”

“Of course it’s tonight ding dong. Annabeth’s been talking my ear off about strategies, I couldn’t imagine forgetting.”

Noah rolled his eyes. “Always complaining.”

Henley turned swiftly and glared at him, his foot raised in the air as he finished tying his lace. “You shut your mouth duck boy,” Henley blurted.

Noah scoffed and ran his nails across his arm. Now he really needed to change out of the duck pajamas.

He shuffled from his sleeping bag and stretched a little bit, his plain white t-shirt lifting up slightly. He picked up a backpack from the floor and stalked over to the bathroom.

As he entered, he could tell the other Hermes campers had already infected the area with their- aura. He couldn’t quite place it, but whenever Noah was around too many of them, he had the sudden urge to protect his pockets..

Quickly, he stripped off his duck pajamas, only slightly sad to see them go, and unzipped his backpack. He tossed on the slightly torn (and kind of smelly, though he’d never admit it), bright orange camp t-shirt he wore, as well as a pair of bright blue jeans with a few tears and holes, and a huge purple stain from the time Amelia spilled grape juice on him. He scowled at that thought.

Noah folded his pajamas and stuffed them into the small, worn-out bag and ran out of the bathroom, hoping Henley would still be at the door.

Noah wasn’t sure why he’d doubted it. Henley always waited at the door. And this time was the same as any other. Henley stood leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest and his face a small frown. His blond hair was curly into his eyes, and the light from the wide window seemed to be reflecting off something. It took Noah far too long to notice-

“My watch!” He shouted, tripping over somebody's shoes as he swiftly made his way towards Henley. This got the hazel eyed boys attention, and caused him to jump. Suddenly, his signature smirk was sprawled across his lips.

“Oh come on Noah-,” He said, lifting his arm in the air. Henley was slightly taller than him, and he made sure to flaunt this difference as often as possible. This didn’t stop Noah from jumping up and grabbing his wrist. Bad mistake. Henley wasn’t able to keep upright with the impact and began tipping over.

“Oh shi-” Henley started, before him and Noah toppled out of the cabin door, and onto the grass. Noah landed on top of his friend with a loud groan escaping his lips. He heard another sound, that was much too deep to be something from Henley. Noah lifted his head, and the sight of long curly blonde hair flashed in front of his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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