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A/n Im imagining Emilia Clarke (specifically the blonde version of her) as my main character vida grimes, her married name is Delgado. her nickname is vee. Also sorry we kinda just jump into the story but bear with me.


Josh and I have been dating for 4 months now. He was scheduled to leave for a tour in Europe in 2 weeks. The tour lasted about 4 weeks and despite him begging, I couldn't go with him. He and I both knew I couldn't miss that much work, but it didn't make me dread him leaving any less. I just figured I could spend as much time as possible with him these next two weeks to make up for it. I was currently staying with him while my apartment was being renovated. So spending tons of time together shouldn't be to much of an issue.

He was at practice with the rest of type o and I decided to surprise him his favorite dinner. I was reading and sipping my wine when I glanced at the Clock to see it was already 5:15. Josh said he'd be home around 6-6:30 so I quickly set down my wine glass and hopped off the couch heading to the kitchen. Getting all the ingredients out and re-reading the recipe, I started to make dinner. I had always loved cooking, I found it rather therapeutic. And not to boast or anything but I had gotten fairly good at it. Josh wasn't a big 'food guy' but I'd gotten to the point where I could get him to eat 2 full meals a day And I was quite proud of myself.

I set the dish in the oven and began cleaning up my cooking space, as well at setting candles and plates on the table. It was now 5:55 pm. I quickly finished scrubbing the dishes before removing dinner from the oven and setting on the counter to cool. I was starting to get nervous. Josh always seemed to have that affect on me. Especially when we first started dating, but it's never gone away. Every time he looks at me I get butterflies.
Just as I was finishing setting up, I hear the door unlock. I turned around and was met with Josh's deep blue eyes.

"Hey baby." Josh said setting down his bag and removing his shoes.

"Hi handsome, how was work?" I spoke back, turning my back to him to finish serving the food. Josh smirked at the nickname before walking up behind me, his hands snaking around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder breathing me in.

"Eh, it was okay. I missed you" he whispered, slowly kissing down my neck towards my shoulder. I giggled at the feeling of his curls touching my neck, tickling me.

"I just finished with dinner if you're hungry." I said turning my head to look at him. He gave me a small, tired, half smile before nodding softly and walking to the table. I walked over, plates in hand setting the food down in front of him.

"This looks incredible baby, thank you" Josh said. Josh really was a sweet man, he just had this cold front he put up around people he didn't know well. He was always kind to me, but those little complements still got to me. Making my heart jump and cheeks heat up.

"Your welcome handsome." I said grinning at him before we began our meal. Once we had both finished, Josh stood taking mine and his plates to the sink before carrying our glasses of wine to the living room and setting them on the table.

"What do ya say we watch a movie and cuddle?" Josh asked. I grinned like an idiot and walked over to him, sitting myself between his legs and my back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. Leaning back until we were both in an almost laying position, he grabbed the remote and and began searching for a show. He picked one he seemed somewhat satisfied with but before I could even try to pay attention to it I felt his hand slowly begin to trace downward toward my shorts.

His right hand found it's way between my thighs, his thumb grazing my clit and his middle finger sliding between my folds. I gasped when his finger dipped into me, not enough to touch the spot within me, just enough to tease me.

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