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David Delgado face claim ^^^^^^


It was odd being in a relationship again. After my ex husband from when I lived in LA, It took me a while to agree to a relationship with Josh because I'm still technically married. Josh doesn't know that though, and I'm scared for him to find out I betrayed him.
Do you know that theory that women tend to marry men like there dads? Well that is absolutely the case for me. David was an angry, violent man just like my father. He was incredible at first, he was loving and patient and kind and he seemed to really love me. I had a perfect wedding to a perfect man and I couldn't be happier. But the night of our wedding it was like he was a whole different person. Like he had done a complete 180 becoming this monster that I was now stuck with. The night of our honey moon he spent no time helping me prepare and just kinda put it in. It hurt. A lot i begged him to stop but it was like I was talking to a brick wall. So I just froze up. Laying there and letting it happen.

I wish I could say that was all, but he would get drunk or coked up and lose his temper. After the first time he hit me he tried to tell me he was "aiming to hit the wall, and I just happened to be between him and it." But after a few weeks he stopped making excuses for it. And it stopped being just when he was drunk or high. I couldn't take it anymore, I waited for him to go "out to with his friends" aka hook up with another woman, and I packed my bags. Grabbing only the necessities and leaving him a note. Very briefly telling him I was leaving him, before I caught the evening plane to Brooklyn. Using cash I'd been saving so he couldn't track my purchases with our joined account. Brooklyn was much colder then LA and it was far, far away. I really did love it here, as much as it smelled.
Meeting Josh was the first time I'd truly safe in a long time, I'd always felt the need to look over my shoulder when I was alone but with Josh I knew he'd protect me. David wasn't the kind of guy to let go of something he wanted. I knew he never loved me but I still worried he would some day find me. I knew that the beginning of our relationship was just a front because I'd told him I wanted to wait till marriage. So he lured me into him telling me these lies about our future so he could eventually sleep with me. That's why I was quick to sleep with Josh, I didn't want anything to be fake from him. I wanted to know his intentions from the beginning. But even after sleeping with me he stayed that kind man that I loved.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts I glanced over to Josh who was sleeping peacefully. He always looked so relaxed in his sleep, so beautiful.

"Don't you know starin ain't polite, vee?" He suddenly spoke cracking one eye open to pin me with his gaze. I felt my cheeks heat and I tried to stutter out some lame excuse but it just came out as a number of noises and mumbles. He smiled a sleepy half smile pulling me closer to him wrapping his arms around me and putting his head against my neck.

"You're just too cute" he whisper before closing his eyes and relaxing again. I smiled to myself and wrapped my arms a little tighter around him, breathing him in before falling asleep in his arms. Safe.


Sorry this chapter was really short I was just kinda trying to get the lore outta the way, I'll probably be updating fairly often but I'm not gonna make any promises lol.

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