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I'd not been in contact with my sister sally since I left David, I missed her dearly but I just didn't know how to contact her without David finding out.

I didn't have her number, but I had her address. I decided that sending her a letter would be the best move, not telling her too much but just enough to let her know I'm okay and maybe get her telephone number.

If sal found out what David did she might kill him herself. She was always the strong one out of us. I wrote down my message and put her address on the envelope.

I decided to pay Josh a visit and bring him lunch since it was my day off. He was usually in the studio recording or practicing if he wasn't on tour. He loved to make self-deprecating jokes about the band all the time but I knew he truly cared for it.

I started getting ready to go, putting on a plain black top and a cute skirt paired with some Mary Janes. As previously stated, Josh wasn't much of a food guy so I decided I would get some fried chicken and fries for the rest of the boys and Josh could eat if he wanted.

I hoped in the car dropping off the letter at the mailbox and picked up my order before driving down to the studio. I could hear peters voice booming from inside already.

I grabbed the bags of food and stumbled into the studio, the arguing voices getting louder with every step.

"C'mon Pete, stop being so stubborn. Why can't we try it my way for once?" I heard Kenny speak.

"Because asshole, I'm the one singin. You wanna do it your way get your own damn band." Peters low voice rang around the studio.

Another voice joined in, this time Johnny's. "Ladies, ladies, Let's not fight. You guys are only wastin time and money by chewin each other's heads off."

I hesitated for a moment, not sure if I should go in or wait outside. I didn't want to interrupt but they seemed like they needed a brake.

"Jesus, you guys give me a headache." Josh's less then enthusiastic voice came next.

I gently set one of the bags of chicken down before grabbing the door handle, pushing the door open and bending down to grab the bag once again.

As I walked into the room it went silent, I peaked around the door and Josh immediately got up walking to me.

"Hey babe, whatcha doin here?"
He said with a tilt of his head

"Food." I smiled, raising the bags in my hands for emphasis.

"My hero!" Kenny exclaimed. Practically jumping out of his chair to help me with the bags.

"You didn't have to do this vee." Peter mumbled, seemingly a bit embarrassed that I'd heard their little dispute.

"I'm happy too, any excuse to see Josh" I giggled, staring up at my boyfriend as he smirked. Leaning down to hug me.

"Yeah, yeah, we get it Josh found love or whatever. Can we eat now?" Kenny joked. Already helping himself to the chicken.

"Manners" Johnny scolded, swatting Kenny's arm like an angry mother.

I giggled and Josh sat at the large meeting table in the center of the room, pulling me onto his lap.

"Missed you" he breathed, resting his chin on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around me.

"I missed you too handsome." A brought my hand up, stroking his hair gently.

"Can you two get a room? Your spoiling my
Lunch." Kenny groaned out, his mouth full of chicken.

"Yeah you can fuck right off" Josh rolled his eyes.

"I'm quite comfortable where I am, thank you very much." Kenny hummed, taking another bit of chicken.

Josh leaned forward, grabbing a piece of chicken and handing it to me before leaning back over grabbing another piece for himself and muttering "I can't believe I'm in a band with these dickheads."

"Why am I in trouble i didn't do anything"
Johnny exclaimed.

"Yeah, you never do nothin that's your problem" Kenny retorted.

I giggled to myself, being with them was the only time confrontation didn't seem so terrible. They had a way of joking while communicating effectively. It was honestly quite impressive.

"We should probably call it a day, I'm not sure any of us are capable of any good work when we're this tired." Peter said with a sigh.

The rest of the crew nodded and peter finished the chicken he was eating before standing up and saying his good byes before leaving.

Josh was next to speak, patting his hand on my thigh and speaking into my ear
"Do you wanna head home baby?"

I nodded, hoping off his lap. I picked up the empty boxes of chicken to throw away but Josh took them from my hands. Carrying them for me.

We headed out to the car alongside Johnny and Kenny, waving goodbye as Josh opened the car door for me. We headed home discussing our days as we went.

After not too long we arrived at the apartment, Josh once again opened the door for me and I walked in, taking my shoes off and setting my purse on the table.

"I'm glad you came to see me today, those imbeciles can be so obnoxious sometimes." He sighed, kicking his own shoes off and waltzing towards me.

I smiled opening my arms to him.
"Oh come on, they aren't that bad." I stated, giggling as his hair tickled my face as he bent down to hug me.

"no baby, their worse" he mumbled. Rocking my body back and fourth lightly.

I shook my head, smiling to myself, and leaned back to look at his face. He was so handsome it made my heart ache. His beautiful blue eyes were slightly down turned and his lips were pink and full.

"Takin in how horrifying I look" Josh smirked.

My mouth fell open and I cupped my hand over his mouth, stoping him from speaking
"Don't say that about my boyfriend or I will have to beat you up." I argued, folding my arms over my chest and huffing.

"You'll beat me up huh?" He straightened his posture, towering over me and raising his eyebrows. "I'm all yours."

I swallowed hard, suddenly regretting my threat. Playing it off I turned my head away from him sighing and speaking
"I would but I wouldn't want to ruin my hair, I spent a long time on it y'know."

Josh let out a genuine laugh, smiling down at me and tilting his head to the side.
"Ruin your hair huh? Well we wouldn't want that now would we." His smile turned into a smirk and in one fast movement he bent down, grabbing my knees, and through me over his shoulder.

"Ah! Put me down!" I laughed hitting his back and kicking my feet.

"Carful now, would want to ruin you pretty hair". I could hear the smirk in his voice as he carried me to the bedroom.



Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out, I'm not sure when I'll be updating I kinda just write when I have time so yeah. I'll try to do at least one chapter a week.

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