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I'd felt like Josh and I's relationship had been growing really well. We hadn't ever really fought and when we did it lasted all of about 5 minutes.... At least until today.

I was just about done getting ready for work when I heard Josh's voice from the kitchen.

"Vida, can you come here for a sec?"

I automatically tensed, he hardly ever called me by name name unless it was serious.

I walked out of the bathroom into the kitchen, peaking at him from the doorway.

"What's up?" I spoke, it came out quieter then I had anticipated.

"Delgado?" He said, raising an eyebrow and narrowing his eyes at me.

I felt my face fall and my heart started pounding. Was he here? How did he find me? Did Josh speak to him?  Dozens of questions filled my mind and I realized Josh was waiting for an answer.

"What?" Was all I managed to get out.

"Vida....Delgado." He said slowly, accusation filling his voice.

I just stood there, I didn't know what to say. How did he know?

As if he read my thoughts he held up a letter. Sally.

I walked towards him, taking the letter from his hands hesitantly, I was right it was from sal.

"Who's sal?" He said lowly.

"My sister." I stammered. Why was I panicking so much?

"Well?" He said, looming down at me.

I glanced up at him, breathing quickly. I was not ready for this conversation and this was not how I saw it going.

"Owens," i breathed, just hearing his name was enough to make my body go into fight or flight. "..Is my maiden name." I spoke even softer, I wasn't sure if he even heard me.

"Maiden name." He repeated. His brows furrowed. "Your married?"

Okay. He did hear me.

"Um, no." Yes? "Not technically." I added.

"Technically huh." He said rolling his eyes.

He was mad at me, I could feel it. But I didn't know what to say to him. All my words were caught in my throat and I couldn't seem to make my brain work.
I was not ready for this conversation.

"I um, I left him." I finally got out, my heart felt like it was about to combust and my brain felt foggy.

"You.. left him" he said, but his voice sounded disbelieving. "why would your sister still refer to you by his name then?"

His tone was accusing and I knew from experience that this was going to end badly. I took a small step back, trying to distance myself a little so I could think.

" she doesn't know."

"Why the hell wouldn't she know" he scoffed.

I was in danger. Fights with David always started this way. He would start out sarcastic and when he'd had enough he'd hurt me. Would Josh hurt me?

"He wasn't.... Good." I took a shaky breath when he stepped closer to me. "So I ran. I.. I didn't tell anyone."

I was so scared. I felt my heart trying desperately to get out of my rib cage. The world felt like it was spinning and I though for a moment I might faint.

"How could I believe that? You lied to me Vida. How can I believe anything you say?" His voice was rough and on the verge breaking.

"I...i dont... i" My drain was completely fried now. No words were coming out and I needed so desperately to explain to him.

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