𝕆𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤, 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕕 | Seunglix

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In the bustling city of Horizon Valley, where neon lights illuminated the streets and technology abounded, there resided a young man named Felix. Felix was an ardent gamer, his apartment a sanctuary filled with consoles, controllers, and screens casting colorful lights across the room. In the digital realm, Felix found solace, a place where he could immerse himself in a world of pixels and challenges, a place where he could be whoever he wanted to be.

One of Felix's favorite pastimes was following the exploits of a mysterious professional gamer known only as Seungmin. Seungmin was a legend in the gaming community, renowned for his exceptional skills and strategic prowess. Felix admired Seungmin greatly, spending hours watching his streams and studying his gameplay. Though Felix himself was not particularly skilled at games, he found inspiration in Seungmin's success, dreaming of one day achieving similar heights in the virtual realm.

Little did Felix know, Seungmin was closer to him than he ever imagined. Through a twist of fate, the two had crossed paths in an online gaming forum, forming a friendship that blossomed in the digital world. Seungmin, recognizing Felix's earnest admiration, chose to keep his true identity hidden, fearing that revealing himself as the famous gamer would alter their dynamic.

One fateful evening, during a live gaming event where Seungmin showcased his unparalleled talents to the world, a revelation struck Felix like lightning. As he watched Seungmin's display of skill and charisma on the screen, a realization dawned upon him with shocking clarity. Seungmin, the enigmatic gamer he had idolized for so long, was none other than his friend, the one he shared late-night conversations and virtual victories with.

Overwhelmed by a mix of awe and betrayal, Felix withdrew into himself, grappling with the truth he had uncovered. Seungmin, sensing the shift in their connection, attempted to reach out to Felix, but his attempts were met with silence. Days turned into a week, during which Felix wrestled with conflicting emotions and unanswered questions, unsure of how to confront the revelation that had shaken his world.

Finally, after a week of solitude and introspection, Felix gathered the courage to face Seungmin once more. With a heavy heart and a mind filled with uncertainty, he initiated contact, signaling his readiness to engage in a conversation that held the weight of revelation and confrontation.

As the digital lines of communication opened between Felix and Seungmin, the tension between them was palpable, the unspoken truths hanging heavy in the virtual air. Felix, his voice tinged with a mix of hurt and curiosity, revealed to Seungmin that he had uncovered his true identity, that the veil of secrecy had been lifted, exposing the reality that had been concealed for so long.

Seungmin, faced with the prospect of losing the friendship he held dear, took a deep breath and made a decision that would alter the course of their relationship forever. With a trembling voice and a heart laid bare, he confessed to Felix the depth of his feelings, the love that had blossomed from their shared moments of camaraderie and connection.

In that moment of vulnerability and honesty, the walls that separated Felix and Seungmin crumbled, revealing the raw emotions that had been simmering beneath the surface. Two souls, intertwined in a digital dance of friendship and adoration, found themselves at a crossroads, their paths converging in a moment of truth and revelation.

As the pixels of their screens flickered with the weight of their words, Felix and Seungmin embarked on a journey of discovery and acceptance, navigating the complexities of friendship, admiration, and love in the ever-shifting landscape of the virtual world. And in that shared space of honesty and vulnerability, they found a bond that transcended pixels and avatars, a connection forged in the fires of understanding and acceptance.

In the digital expanse of Horizon Valley, where dreams intertwined with reality and identities blurred in the glow of neon lights, Felix and Seungmin stood as testaments to the power of connection, the beauty of authenticity, and the resilience of the human heart in the face of uncertainty and revelation. And as their story unfolded in the digital ether, a new chapter began, one filled with promise, possibility, and the enduring strength of a friendship forged in pixels and love.

A/N: I've had inspo to start writing a fanfic with multiple chapters. It's my first time trying something like this and with a different writing style then this one. I'm not entirely used to it so it may seem a little awkward. It's a Jilix story. I've already finished the prologue and first chapter of the story, I'll be uploading the prologue today as well. The name is Sitting

✴✶  🎀 End 🎀  ✶✴



/N: thank you for almost 1K reads!😁

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