𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝔸𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕟𝕥 | Chanlix

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✴✶  🎀 Start 🎀  ✶✴

In the bustling city of Seoul, amidst the whirlwind of lights and sounds, Chan stood at the airport, his gaze fixed on the departure board. As a renowned producer, his life was a mosaic of constant movement, always chasing the next big project. He adjusted the collar of his impeccably tailored suit, a serene facade masking the underlying restlessness that fuelled his ambition.

Boarding the flight bound for New York, Chan settled into his first-class seat, his mind already drifting to the meetings and negotiations that awaited him on the other side of the world. Little did he know that fate had a different plan in store for him on this particular journey.

As the cabin crew prepared for takeoff, a figure glided down the aisle with an effortless grace that caught Chan's attention. Felix, a flight attendant, with striking blue eyes and a welcoming smile, exuded a quiet confidence that drew Chan in like a moth to a flame. Their eyes met briefly, a spark igniting within Chan's heart, a feeling he had never experienced before.

Throughout the long flight, Chan found himself stealing glances at Felix whenever he could, captivated by the way he moved with an air of elegance and poise. Their interactions were fleeting yet charged with an unspoken connection that lingered in the air between them.

Arriving in New York, Chan couldn't shake off the profound effect Felix had on him. It was as if their encounter had shifted something fundamental inside him, awakening a desire for a deeper connection that transcended the boundaries of their respective worlds.

Despite the constraints of their demanding professions that kept them apart, Chan couldn't resist the magnetic pull he felt towards Felix. He made it his mission to find a way to see him again, to unravel the mystery that surrounded this enigmatic flight attendant who had captured his heart in a single glance.

As weeks turned into months, Chan and Felix found ways to bridge the distance that separated them. Late-night calls, fleeting visits between flights, stolen moments of intimacy amidst the chaos of their schedules - each encounter a cherished memory that bound them closer together.

Their love story unfolded like a symphony, each note carefully composed to create a harmony that resonated deep within their souls. Chan discovered a new sense of purpose in Felix's presence, a grounding force that anchored him amidst the turbulent currents of his career.

But with every departure, a bittersweet ache settled in Chan's heart, a reminder of the sacrifices they had to make to be together. The all-consuming passion that fueled their love was both a blessing and a curse, a flame that burned bright yet threatened to engulf them in its intensity.

Through the highs and lows of their tumultuous journey, Chan and Felix held onto each other with unwavering faith, a love that defied the odds and stood strong against the trials of time and distance. Their bond transcended physical boundaries, a timeless connection that bound their hearts together in a tapestry of shared dreams and aspirations.

In the end, it was their love that triumphed, a beacon of hope that illuminated their path through the darkest nights and the longest journeys. Chan and Felix, two souls intertwined in a dance of destiny, forged a love story that transcended the ordinary and elevated them to a realm where distance was but a mere obstacle in the grand tapestry of their eternal love.

✴✶  🎀 End 🎀  ✶✴

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