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Heya my wattpadian friends!

All next week, I'll be very busy again. So don't expect much from me! I'm one busy blind girl struggling in the day to day tasks. I'm not explianing myself again about my blindness! So don't start spamming me with rubbish pointless messages sayng I'm faking it.

I'm not.  Why would I write about disabilities in general let alone blindness if I wasn't part of that community?

I know so much about RetinaBlastoma because I went throuugh five years of intense treatment that unfortunately couldn't save my eyes. So  I had to say bye-bye to my vision. But because I had the vision, I have visual memory which helps in certain tasks like cungering up characters for my stories.

I don't even askk for audio description sometimes because I find it annoying. I like imagining the story instead of having it described to me. If it is a story/film I know so well for an example Frozen, I definitely don't need AD. If it is a new film such as Barbie, I do let myself watch it with AD until I know the story very well. Same with some Doctor Who Episodes and other TV shows. Unfortunately, Gotham is one of those that didn't make the AD time! But it doesn't really matter. Another one is OUAT and AHS. Both shows I'm yet to watch. But having a boyfriend IRL that has watched them before me is great at describing what's happening.

I even refuse AD at theatre shows. I get overloaded with so much information with AD that it drives me in sane.

Now I have a challenge for you all. Close your eyes and try and walk in a straight line. Or watch something. Or even read/write something on here and then come back at me about the faking blindness thing. Then you'll understand about why my world is completely like living under a constant blanket.

Anyway! Have a good day. Might update something later. Not sure what yet.

Wolfie out!

P.S: any rubbish comments will be removed and reported. I had enough of it. Especially during this first quarter of 2024.

Okay, enough now!

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