× [ 02 : Their breakup? + Library ] ×

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- Outside the classroom -

- Ayase Harumi -

She was still busy chatting with Rihito until it was dark outside at the night sky. "I'm going back home.. I see you tomorrow, Rihito-kun.." She said and left.

"Wait- your bag!" Rihito ran after her with harumi's bag from behind and grab her hand. "Will you meet me at the arcade later so I can get to know you more? And here's your bag.. you forgot about it.. when you left it there with me.." He said.

Leehan saw everything that happened between her and Rihito. He was a bit confused to know what's going on. He gulped and walked after her when Harumi walked out of the school alone by herself.

"Harumi.. can we talk for a few minutes, please?" Leehan asked. "Sure.. what do you want?" She asked without looking at him before she turn around.

"Look.. I'm sorry for taking your art supplies to make you fail for your art project with Ricky.. please forgive me, Harumi.." Leehan apologized to her. "What?! You're the one who took my art supplies few days ago.. how come I didn't realize it!? I hate you for not telling me!" She shouted at him.

"I want to apologized but you didn't forgive me!" Leehan yelled and grips her wrist tightly. "Ouch it hurts..! Let me go, Leehan!" She yelled and winced in pain, struggling to let go of her hand from his strong grip.

"We should break up.. I'm done with you!" She shouted and walked to the school entrance, waiting for Ricky to send her back to the house. "I'm screwed up.." Leehan gritted his teeth in anger. He went back home by train.

Ricky walked over to Leehan and took Harumi's art supplies from him in his hand. "Dare to try to hurt my best friend again.. don't ever do this again to affect my art project with her.. goodbye.." He said then left Leehan with a bag of art supplies in his hand, giving back to Harumi.

"Thank you, Ricky" She said with a smile then went back to the house with her best friend. "Hyung, I'm home.." Leehan said with an upsetting tone. "Oh, what happen? Did she break up with you already?" Woonhak asked the older.

- At the library -

- Kim Hyunna -

She went to the library to get some books she wanted to read from the highest bookshelf. Taesan was busy working on the book report inside the library. He didn't notice Hyunna was there, struggling to take the book she wanted to read the most.

Hyunna trying to take the book from the highest shelf with the stool she was using it. Before she take the book she almost fell down with the book in her embrace tightly. Taesan saw it and quickly save her in his arm, carrying her in bridal style.

"Hey? Are you okay there?" Taesan asked her. "I-I'm fine.. I need to take the book I wanted to read so badly.. and it doesn't have a ladder around here anywhere.." She pouted. "If you need the book.. why didn't you tell me earlier next time?" He told her.

"I'm sorry, Tae.." Hyunna apologized to him and looked down, feeling disappointed with her stupid self and unnecessary decision inside her useless brain.

"If you need a book next time you go to the library, just tell me anything if you need my help.." Taesan said to her. "Okay.." She replied and borrow some books to the library counter.

She kept the books she wanted inside her bag after borrowed it from the library. She walked outside to read some books while relaxing under the tree from sunlight.

"Hey, Hyunna~" Gyuvin said happily and sat beside her while looking at her reading some books from the library she borrowed earlier.

"Oh hey, Gyuvin" She smiled and looked at her best friend sitting right next to her. "I think Hiromu hyung is looking for you.." He told Hyunna.

"What? Are you sure?" She looked at Gyuvin with a weird expression on her face. "Yes, I'm not joking.. he's at the basketball court waiting for you.." Gyuvin said.

"Hmm, okay then.." She smiled as she kept the books in her bag, went to meet Hiromu at the basketball court by herself.

Hiromu waiting for her by himself inside the basketball court. Gyuvin walked back inside the school hallway and saw Taesan was there too.

"Hey, gyuvin.. have you seen Hyunna anywhere?" Taesan asked. "Hyunna? Did you need her for something?" Gyuvin asked him back. "I need her help with my book report for an assignment.." Taesan said.

"Hyunna.. I have something to say.. will you be my girlfriend?" Hiromu asked her. Before she said anything, Taesan cut her off, sending a death glare towards Hiromu.

"Yahh! What are you doing, stealing my girl!?" Taesan shouted at Hiromu before throw a punch on the other's face. Hiromu got a fist mark on his cheek from Taesan. "Ouch.." He frowned. "Hiromu, are you okay?" Hyunna asked with a worried tone, checking his cheek gently.

"If the girl isn't yours to begin with? She's supposed to be mine not yours!" Hiromu yelled and charged towards Taesan as the two boys fight each other to win Hyunna's heart. "Hey, stop arguing over my best friend!" Gyuvin shouted and protect his best friend from these two who was still fighting over her.

"Hyunna.. Go to the infirmary area with Hiromu.." Gyuvin said to her. "I will take care of Taesan here.." He added. She nodded and took Hiromu to the infirmary area in the school, treating his injury on the cheek.

"You're so sweet.. I love you, Kim Hyunna.. please be my girlfriend..?" Hiromu confessed to her. "I love you too.. and yes, I will be your girlfriend" She smiled as she finish treating his cheek with a first aid kit.

"Yahh are you crazy!? Do you want to get a detention from the principal?!" Gyuvin yelled at Taesan. "It's all my fault that this happens.." He looked down, broke into tears.

He saw Hyunna kissing Hiromu in the infirmary area before he walked back home. "I messed up big time didn't I, Sungho hyung?" Taesan said weakly to the older for an advice.

"Yes, you messed up.. you caused a fight between yourself and Hiromu hyung.. and now.. Hyunna will not talking to you anymore, maybe?" Sungho said with a shrugged in his shoulder.

"Han Taesan.. let's break up.. I don't want to see you anymore.." Hyunna send a text to Taesan on her phone. Taesan was shocked with Hyunna's text in his phone, crying on the bed. He felt a bit hurt in his heart, trying to move on with his relationship.

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School Band Practice is next.. on ep 3

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