Birthday and the station

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Italics will be thoughts for this chapter.

Hermione's POV
First person

It was my birthday yesterday and father got me a book to replace the one he ripped up.
I'm so excited to read it but I want to wait a few days so I don't finish it too soon after I got given it.

Mother and father gave me the day off from chores and they made ME breakfast not the other way round. It was a bowl of fruit with a glass of juice. I wasn't allowed a cake because they don't like me having sugar- I think it's because they're dentists- but they never say why. It was one of the BEST days ever.

The day before we went to a place called diagonal alley to get all my stuff for my new school. I've already read 3 books from the list and I managed to get an extra one called Hogwarts: A History which is definitely my favourite. I think I've read it 2 times but I lost count as it's so good and helps me escape reality.

I start Hogwarts in 3 days and I can't wait.
I hope I make atleast one friend.

3 days later

I pulled out my brand new wand and a book of spells specifically healing ones, before slowly pulling up my sleeves and top.

Casting a few healing charms on my major injuries and a few concealment charms I redressed and got ready to leave for the train.

I was finally going to Hogwarts.

After saying goodbye to my parents as they shed a few fake tears, I boarded the Hogwarts express and looked for a free  compartment.

I found one and sat down next to the large windows.

It was a bit sad to see some parents actually missing their kids but I brushed it aside as I was finally getting a new start.

Soon the compartment door slid open causing me to jump slightly.

"Sorry, is it okay if I sit here?" a small raven haired boy asked.

"It's alright, of course you can." I replied with a polite smile.

The boy began to hold his hand out before hesitating.

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter," he greeted softly.

"Hermione, Hermione Granger," I replied whilst shaking his outstretched hand.

Maybe this would be the start of a friendship.

My fresh start begins.

Draco's POV
First person

Today I was starting Hogwarts with my friends.

My mother was just asking the house elves to bring my bags as father came in to the room.

"Ahh Draco my boy, are you ready to start school and help find her?" he asked with a smile.

"Yes father, I really hope I can bring her home... maybe him too ." I replied with a hint of hope.

"Maybe," he hummed.

At the station

I wonder if she knows how to get on the train. I wonder if she knows who she is. I wonder who that old fool put her with.

Thousands of thoughts rushed through my mind.

Does he know. Is it the truth. Will we get them back.

I was pulled out of my head when my mother hugged me tears threatening to spill.

"Don't cry mother, I'll write you every week and I'll be back for christmas," I reminded trying to help her.

After saying goodbye to father I climbed on to the express and waved goodbye.

Once I couldn't see them any longer I went to the Slytherin side of the train and found my friends.

We sat in a compartment talking about the upcoming year.

Daphne was across from me, Astoria next to her and Pansy next to tori.

I had Blaise on my left and Theo on his right.


Smaller chapter because I wanted to get started with Hogwarts.I'm making Daphne and Astoria twins so don't mind that.
Also the italics will pretty much always be thoughts but I will still highlight it each chapter though. Hermione's birthday won't actually be on the 28th its just what she is told just like Harry's won't be the 31st.
Thank you for reading


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