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Welcome back to Sins. I love how ya'll enjoy this story. I didn't expect this much love for this game... considering the fandom and it's contents. I promise you, I only knew of this game because people kept spamming that they hated the incest scene. I was like "what the fuck?" Now that I know the context behind it... they did it to themselves. That was a route they decided to take and then they wanted to complain about it. There were so many other routes and they took that specific route. A bunch of hypocrites, might I add.

Anyways, Enjoy...


The warden from the second floor walked down the quiet hallway, teasing the hilt with his gun on it, as if raring to pop anybody that leaves.




Just then his walkie-talkie turns emits satic.


"Who's this?"

"H-Hiiii Dave. It's me!"

"Oh, it's you. Where's Malcom?"

"He's here with me in room... 405..."

"That room. I guess that weirdo really croaked. What's in it for me?"

"You'll have a good time that's what~"


"Alright! I'll be there in five!"


"I'll be there in five!"

The static cuts off.


"Thanks for your help, whore," Ashley says happily.


"Nuh uh. Don't you move," (Y/N) says, "Or else Andrew won't hesitate to slit you open." 

"You guys go ahead. I'll keep her quiet until you're done," Andrew says.

"I-I-I won't say anything! I promise!"




"I expect a meal from you when it's finished," Andrew says to the lady.

"A-A-Anything! I promise!" the lady says.


"Let's go," (Y/N) says to Ashley.


"Yo. (Y/N)."

(Y/N) turns and catches a lighter.

"This is for?"

"A way to keep the plan going. Men love when it's dark and a female is waiting for them."


(Y/N) smirks.


The recovering couple leave the room. They hurry up back to the fourth floor and into 405. 

"What's good sex music?" Ashley asks.

"I don't know," (Y/N) answers, "I thought you were the expert."

"I'm an expert to a certain extent," Ashley tells him.

"Interesting," (Y/N) says, "Just like you'd do anything for me, even if it meant hurting yourself."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 09 ⏰

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