Chapter 2

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The twins were being backed into a small alleyway by angry villagers.

"Witch. You fucking witch!" A man spat.

The younger stood in front of the older.

"No. He's not. It's just this weird thing he can do. He was only trying to help!" He tried to explain.

"Help what? Us understand that he's the overlord spawn?!" A lady screamed.

"I was simply fixing your pie, miss." The elders voice was shakey.

"How'd you do it? What kind of sourcery are you into?" The man yelled again. "Don't you do that time shit ever again."

"Acronix." The older whispered. "If we're quick we can run."

"Run?" Acronix whispered back. "Krux there's too many of them."

"Hey!" A new voice joined the conversation. He was pushing his was through the crowd. "Do we really need to fight these guys? I mean, we should really worry about those snakes right?"

The twins were shocked. No one had ever defended them like this. They'd been through around 30 villages in their 5 years without their parents.

The man, no, boy, he couldn't be much older than the two of them, had dark brown hair, a pitiful moustache and goatee, emerald green eyes, and an outfit with many reds on it.

"Did you see what he did?" The other man spoke again. "That other one isn't any better I bet, what can you do? Huh?!" The man drew his knife pushing past the boy who'd come to their defense.

The boy turned. "What can you do." He mouthed.

Acronix saw the threat on his life as the older man drew closer, that blade was getting dangerously close.

"Acronix!" He was pulled back by his brother as a blade cut his arm.

Acronix felt a surge grow in him. He could feel the energy flow to his fist. It felt fantastic. This power had come to him not so long ago, and now he was finally using it.

"Answer me when I ask you a question boy." The man laughed.

Something snapped in the younger twin. Acronix punched the man with his bright green fist. It sent a shockwave through the man's body.

He staggered back a few steps before his legs gave way. His hair went rapidly grey, his skin began to sag, he tried to speak but he had already aged to far. His eyes grew dim as he drew his final breath. It was over in seconds.

Acronix looked at the man below.

He balled his hands back into fists. He felt weak but he'd do it again if necessary. "That's what I can do." He spoke loud and clear. "And, and if you don't leave us at once, I'll do the same to each and every one of you!" He shouted.

People left. One by one.

The twins could hear the whispers.

Krux grabbed his brothers hand. "You did what you had to do. He wasn't going to let us go alive." He looked into his twins eyes.

"He's right. It was either you or him." The boy kicked the, now skeleton, hand.  "Come with me. I know a place we can go."

They didn't know why but they trusted him.

The boy led them out of town and into the woods.

"Well?" A girl came out of the tree. "Whats the news on the witches?"

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