Chapter 15

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Acronix watched as the vermillion warriors he'd sent back out brought back what he was looking for.

"How's your ability with magic?" Acronix asked as he knelt down.

"I wouldn't know." Clouse looked down at the unfamiliar hands. "I've never done it from a dead man before."

"Then we have two options." Acronix stood back up. "I vaguely remember something to do with some sort of djinn, or we can test our luck with this spell book from somewhere else."

Clouse walked over to Acronix slowly and grabbed the teapot off the top of the spell book. "Why not both? Test our luck with spells first, if that doesn't go out way, bring out the djinn."

"Sounds fine by me. Why not wreak some havoc while we're at it?" Acronix smirked.

"I'm all for it." Clouse returned the smirk.

They traded objects and Clouse began thumbing through the pages slowly, muttering to himself. Acronix studied the teapot in his hands, careful not to turn the center part to match the image together.

"Where do you think this thing was hidden?" Acronix asked.

"I wouldn't doubt if Ronin had something to do with it." Clouse responded absent-mindedly.

"Who is Ronin?"

Clouse looked up. "Right. He's this rogue thief that only serves one master, money. Pay him enough, he's on your side. He's recently taken a liking to the ninja though. He's their informant on the streets."

"So it'd be better to avoid him then?"

"Yes. Can't risk losing this," Clouse paused looking off into the distance with a smile. "when you're halfway there."

Acronix turned around to see exactly what he wanted. "Perfect."

Kai stood wide eyed with the deceleration blade in his hand. Acronix took a few steps to join him. "How is Brendan-"

"Don't mind that. That's just Clouse."

That name sure sent a shiver through Kai's spine. "C-clouse is here?"

"Yes he is. I appreciate your efforts small red." Acronix put a hand on the ninjas back and led him over. "Maybe you could be helpful?"

"How?" Kai asked softly, his eyes hesitant to lay themselves on Brendans body.

"What do you know about Djinn?" Acronix smirked slightly.

Kai looked up into Acronix's eyes. "Djinn?"

"Yes. Djinn."

"I, uh don't really..." Kai hesitated.

"Oh sure you do. It may not have happened in this timeline but I remember you, distinctly, telling your group of color coded ninja about how sneaky and difficult Djinn can be. So, don't be shy." Acronix gave Kai a 'you got this' smile.

Kai sputtered softly before sighing. "Fine. Jay told us about everything that happened in that timeline. Clouse released him, wished to be mortal, then got himself trapped in the teapot." Clouse, through Brendan, seemed offended at the idea. "At some point, it was discovered that Nya looked like Nadhakan's, the djinn in that teapot, old love, Delara. One by one, he picked us off, targeting our weaknesses and making us wish ourselves away."

"What'd he do to you?" Acronix smirked.

"Apparently, he took me back, literally, to see my father when he was my age. Then I put too much in a wish. Finally, he told me to wish it away." He looked down.

"I could help you see your father." Acronix straightened himself.

Kai looked back up quickly, fear laced in his expression.

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