Chapter 17

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Clouse wandered back into the base and left Krux's body, listening intently for it to thud to the ground. When it didn't, he turned to face the old time master.

"Acronix was right. I was helping you."

Krux's knee buckled and he stumbled sideways into a wall. "Not enough you weren't. Any healing magic you used wasn't nearly enough to fix this."

"Any healing magic I used was for his burns."

"Why do you think it had little to no effect? I was focusing it on myself you witch."

"That doesn't matter now. He's grown accustomed to the pain. Seems to enjoy it as well." Clouse slowly made his way to the man and stuck his ghostly hand into the wound.

Krux grimaced as he felt the cold sensation. Clouse managed to focus his efforts of the hand inside Krux's abdomen and use it to mess around a bit, squeezing on Krux's innards as he chuckled softly.

Krux's knees eventually gave to the pain and he fell to the ground, straight through Clouse.

"Finally. Raggmunk, could you get a warrior to watch him?" Clouse asked the snakes.

"Yes sir." Raggmunk replied.

"Thank you. I have some work to do and don't want any interruptions unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Understood. Enjoy practice sir."

Krux with his remaining strength sent a silent command to the general making him instantly forget what he was told. No other sentry came to watch him.

He laid there, regaining enough strength to stand. He pushed himself up with the energy he now had and quietly walked out of the room. Raggmunk was distracted watching Borg bend to Acronix's command, dismantling the project hed set in motion. He had only a vegue idea of what his brother was planning now.

He wouldn't be able to take him on alone, not like this. He'd be cuffed and put in a cell if he even dared. He needed help. He could only hope those two would agree to help him end this.

With the blade of acceleration, the trip took less time than Acronix had initially thought. It didn't take long before he and the djinn were faced with a dense jungle.

Acronix let the smirk cross his lips too quickly.

"You are... Excited about getting lost?" Nadhakan asked.

"I'm just excited to be living out one of the many legends I've read of. I never got to see the jungle, because Wu never let us stray to far. He had to 'keep us in check', as he said."

"Because you are powerful?"

"I was powerful." Acronix grit his teeth. "Now I'm nothing but a man with special effects. But that's about to change."

"I am glad to be on the side of power."

"As am I, djinn."

Acronix drew a sword from his back and began walking through the woods. He left cuts on the trees on his left,  he'd just follow the cuts on the right to get out.

"How do you make the man work for you?" Nadhakan asked as he hovered slightly above the ground.

"Torture. He could easily lose a leg or two." Acronix chuckled as he swung the sword into the tree next to him the second time, creating a large divit. "And if all else fails, I'm sure the Overlord did something to him that I could use. I just need to figure it out."

"Or, you could wish it?" Nadhakan suggested smugly.

"You're a funny guy, I've only got one more on my mind and that involves me getting the power trapped in these four blades." Acronix slashed at some leaves. "I'm just trying to figure out how to word it so you can't twist it."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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