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Lina Choi is my best friend who I mentioned in the previous section. She is now the CEO of Prince Entertainment. She was the first person I met there and she is like a sister to me. We both have made few projects well we both thought about certain projects but they never happened even though we were once in a group ( group mentioned later) she is like a sister to me since we tell each other everything and we are there for each other in dark times when we both are upset we like to talk to each other to get things off our chests and we would literally protect each other from anything like even though we did have a fall out last year and stopped talking for a bit I am glad we found the contact again because without her I'd be lost since she is my literal family my best friend for life. I am glad I still have her and she is my comfort person who I love to talk to and I hope to make more contents with her in future. We also was up for an award together can't remember what for but we was gonna attend an award show since we nominated each other and we also got placed top in our entertainment she came 1st and I came 2nd classing us as the most liked idols in our entertainment ( in Prince Entertainment)

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