Sweet Poison

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After my hiatus, I decided to make a self made group called ' Sweet Poison' this was  originally a duo group ( only me and Lina) but then changed to a 4 member group. I was again leading the team.

We made our debut in the September October time of last year. Even though we were promoting our debut song can't even remember what it was. It was fun time promoting with the team.

Until, someone kicked Lina out of the group without my permission to add someone into it. I was literally mortified like Lina was the one who kept Sweet Poison who we were and I was upset with that member.

Around December, we stopped promotions and we was in talks of a comeback but before the new year one of the members took hiatus and came back just before New Year but she argued with me about something stupid that I can't remember because she just came back to argue with me and I was like "you're not happy to see me?" And that's when she started arguing with me.

So Sweet Poison ended up disbanding within 3 months into the group.. now we are all doing our own thing and we have our own journeys to embark and we have our own lives in the industry.

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