The struggles ( may find upsetting)

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The struggles I went through was nothing as people would of expected because it was a shock to me and I didn't know how to act when people started to decide to comment malicious things about me and death threats which actually made me have a panic attack.

First one was when I was in a group which I can't remember the name of and I wanted to make a friend group with my friends and someone else. Well things didn't turn out as I thought they would because that person I think his name was Baekheim. He was just really harsh and even posted false accusations about me that weren't true calling me the "Han So-hee of Krp" which he denied the things I said was true when he was cheating on his boyfriend with me and I was the only one who thought about his boyfriend and when I went and told him, Baekheim denied it and when I told him my feeling about everything he said he said "f*ck your feelings" and said to my friend at the time "you deserve a better friend than her" well I was shaken up by the words he came out with and obviously left hurt by everything all because I liked someone which was one of his friends.

Another struggle was when I was in another entertainment I took hiatus for personal reasons and I came back to see that I was removed for no reason from the group I was supposed to debut with and all I asked was "why did you remove me?" Then their reply was "you didn't tell us" so I was thinking to myself 'why do you need to know my personal business??' So 2 days later it started again and I was still angry with them for removing me and the CEO was threatening to kill herself all because of what I asked and she said "if I did it'll be your fault" again that triggered me when all I did was ask her why she removed me.

Next day, I go on the group chat for the entertainment confronting her about it but nobody seemed to of agreed with me they decided to take her side supporting her when she knew she did something wrong when she shouldn't have said those words. Then I left the entertainment but someone who was still in the entertainment said 2 of the girls was threatening to kill me like they showed videos and pictures of knives telling what they would do to me and they thought it was alright to threaten and show knives. This made me have a panic attack and I was distressed since this was the first time it happened to me since I didn't receive death threats before.

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