ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔬, 𝔊𝔬𝔬𝔡𝔟𝔶𝔢

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"You don't need to do this! You ought to step away!"

"I must! I could write down a million reasons why this damn duel must happen!"

Alexander grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around. "Then give me a reason!"

"Because he almost took you away from me, Godamnit!"


"Boys." Washington called them all to the office late into the night. They all knew something had happened. John was especially nervous, where was-

He held a Betsey Ross flag. They all stared, silently hoping it wasn't who they thought it was.

"Laurens, please step forward." His voice was low. He never said please. The tall man dragged himself to the general. He passed the flag to him, his hands trembling. "Hamilton-" his voice broke, and so did everyone else. "I'm so sorry, boys."

His mind blacked out. It went to a terrible place, the same place he was when his mother died. He felt tears as his lip quivered. This couldn't be happening.

"Hello, family."

The entire room gasped. There was the walking dead man. He was soaking wet, shaking like a leaf, bruised and cut, bloody, but alive. They rushed to fuss over him, picking him up and striping him of his wet clothes. He was put on Laurens' lap, who was sobbing so hard he could barely breathe, and was wrapped in a towel.

"I don't understand!" Washington looked at Hamilton, only his face being visible. "General Lee wrote to us stating your departure!"

His teeth were dancing in his mouth. "S-sir, that-that bastard le-left me!"

"Explain immediately."

He told them all of his abandonment. Lee had mistaken him for dead and left without as much as a second glance to make sure. For hours, he had to carry his hurt and sore body to the base.

It was then the first hot slap of hatred hit Laurens.


"Jackie...? Are thy-"

"Yes, I'm here."

Not only did Charles Lee abandoned them all at the battle, but he nearly killed his beloved again. He was stuck fighting in the summer heat, his poor body already weak from what happened in the river. It didn't help that his horse fell on him. He was overheated, nearly having heat stroke before someone saved him.

"I apologize for what the bastard did." John was sitting next to him, stroking his sweaty hair.

"'Tis but a scratch.'" He laughed as his own joke, coughing in his fist after the laughter made his chest heavy.

"I despise Lee. Washington ought to get rid of him." He laid down, hugging the other's body close to him.

The sick one smiled at him. "We can only hope."


The biggest slap came later that night. Hamilton's fever spiked and he was hallucinating. He was pointing to random objects and telling what seemed to be a man that they weren't his. John couldn't get through to him, even when he shook him.

He walked out after bringing the shorter to the nurse for the night. He sat by the pond, stretching his greasy hair.

"I wish Lee dead." He muttered, rubbing his thin mustache. "Oh-" his voice was breaking into a sob. "-how I wish you dead."


"So it's not about Washington?" Alexander asked as John had his face in his hands.

He sighed and looked up. "For someone as bright as yourself, you never fail to amuse me in such ways."

He walked over closely to embrace him. It was a long one with a few kisses.

"Get done with this." The shorter informed him while they were getting back on their horses. "Then you'll be rewarded."


The duel was successful, very successful. Lee was shot, Laurens was fine, and everything would begin to fall into place.

"You see? All that worry for nothing." They rode in a field, racing each other.

With his curls in his face, he laughed. "Oh hush, you!"

They locked lips only for a moment. "Now, what's my reward?" Alexander looked down, grinning. It didn't take a genius to figure it out. "Oh, I see. I suppose we take this to the tent, no?"

With another laugh, the redhead's horse raced there, leaving John in the dust. With the same excitement, the other's horse followed, wind blowing his hair back. Sunlight shined on him. He felt lighter. Things would be better if Lee was dead, but he did all he could. He'll get his comeuppance soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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