Hashing out the problems - ThE LaDs 🖕👹🤟 (1D)

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Group Chat: ThE LaDs 🖕👹🤟

Harry: Hey lads, it's been ages since we all caught up. How's everyone doing?

Louis: Hey Harry! Yeah, it's been too long. I'm good, thanks. How about you?

Niall: Hey everyone! Doing great here, just finished up a tour. What about you Liam?

Liam: Hey guys! Yeah, I'm good too, just been keeping busy with music and stuff. How about you, Harry?

Harry: Yeah, I've been keeping busy too, working on some new projects. Miss you guys though.

Niall: Same here, mate. Miss the good old days.

Liam: Definitely, those were some of the best times of our lives.

Niall: Agreed. Hey, have any of you heard from Zayn lately?

Louis: I haven't talked to him since he promised to show up to my X-factor performance and didn't, it's been rocky for us since he left 

Liam: Maybe it's time you talked to him about it, he never did tell you why. But maybe we should add him to this group chat and catch up with him too.

Harry: Sounds like a plan. I'll add him now.

[Harry adds Zayn to the group chat]

Zayn: Hey guys..., what's up?

Niall: How have you been, mate?

Liam: Hey Zayn. It's been too long.

Harry: Yeah, we thought we'd catch up with everyone. How's life?

Zayn: Life's been okay, thanks for asking.

Louis: That's good to hear. Remembering the good old days, huh?

Zayn: Yeah, those were some great times.

Liam: Look...we've been thinking, we all used ti be so close, I thinks it time over due that we have a serious talk

Zayn: time to face your problems with me I guess...😨

Niall: Tf was that Emoji mate

Zayn: So who's up first?

Louis: remember when you promised to come to my X-factor performance after my mom passed away, Zayn? But you never showed up.

Zayn: Louis, I...

Louis: It really hurt, Zayn. You said you'd be there for me, but you weren't.

Zayn: I know, Louis, and I'm sorry. But there's something you need to know...

Liam: Yeah, Zayn, you really let him down. Not just him, but all of us.

Zayn: I know, Liam, but there's a reason why I couldn't make it.

Louis: What reason could possibly justify not being there for your friend when he needed you the most?

Zayn: It's... it's because of my OCD.

Niall: OCD?

Zayn: Yeah, I have mild OCD, but it got really bad around the time of your X-factor performance, Louis. I was having really bad anxiety, and my OCD stopped me from going.

Louis: I... I had no idea, Zayn. I'm sorry for getting upset.

Zayn: It's okay, Louis. I should've explained myself sooner.

Harry: Zayn, I'm sorry for not understanding. We didn't know what you were going through.

Zayn: It's alright, Harry. I should've opened up about it sooner.

Niall: We're all here for you, Zayn. You can always talk to us.

Liam: Yeah, we're a band, a family. We should be there for each other through thick and thin.

Zayn: Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it.

Harry: If were stills talking things out, I have to say you saying we never really talked really hurt me.

Zayn: look Harry, I didn't mean it like that...things were tense and I felt like we didn't have a real connection.

Niall: how did you expect to have connection with us after you up and left and iced us out

Zayn: I'm sorry, I was dealing with my own issues. I was fucked up ok? I need space and time, to grow and be my own person outside of one direction 

Niall: I just...I feel like none of you guys after we went on hiatus put any effort into still hanging out. I was the only one, you can search it up on YouTube almost all the recorded interactions fans are aware of is me and someone else

Liam: I get what you mean Niall but like Zayn said we need time to grow

Louis: Grow? Liam you went on fucking Logan Paul podcast and trash talked us. I don't think your one to talk about growing

Harry: Louis, no need to get rude we're trying to talk things out

Zayn: I- I do have to agree with Louis on this one, what the fuck were you thinking? Airing our dirty laundry out like that

Liam: I just, I was struggling at the time and Logan was there for me. We're not friends anymore, I realized he was taking advantage on me and my alcohol addiction at the time

Liam: But for what it's worth I am Sorry about what I said I didn't mean it at the time, I was struggling. I think it was like a grasp for attention and stay relevant if you know what I mean. Everything I said was coming from a place of insecurity 

Harry: I think we all get it mate, we've said thing we didn't mean because of our insecurities at times 

Louis: I am curious though, who threw you up against the wall? Everyone thought it was me! But they were also saying I was too small to do it!

Liam: You are just a small bean Lou 

Louis: 🥄 🥄 🥄 🥄 

Niall: er- that was me...


Zayn: And Niall why would you throw Liam up against a wall?

Niall: I was mad

Louis: Mad about?

Niall: he took my guitar and scratched it right before a show-

Liam:by accident and to clarify I might have milked this story

Niall: AND he took the rest of my nandos! And the rest of you had already eaten all my extra snacks so I was hangry ): 

Zayn: how predictable.

Louis: I think what this has taught us it's to not let misunderstandings tear us apart, we've been through too much together.

Harry: Ooo look at Tommo being all philosophical, but agreed. Here's to putting the past behind us and moving forward together. 

[The group end there conversation, but are sure to make sure from here on out they don't let the misunderstandings win]

Thanks you for reading this I had a lot of fun with this one. Might do some more group chat ones hashing out certain problems. Let me know if there are any specific ones you want

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