The easy one - Niall

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If you can't tell I'm a sucker for angst and love to put Niall through pain 😭😭

As always request would be greatly appreciated!!!

As the bright lights of the stage engulfed them, Niall Horan found himself standing on the edge, his heart pounding in his chest as he took a deep breath. This was it. This was their moment. Their chance to show the world what they were made of. But even as he stood there, surrounded by his best friends and bandmates, Niall couldn't help but feel a strange sense of isolation.

It wasn't just the fact that he was the only one without a girlfriend or a fancy manager; it was more than that. It was the way they all seemed to have their own problems to deal with, their own demons to face. They were too busy sorting out their own issues to notice that Niall was suffering too. And the worst part was, he didn't want to be a burden.

They had formed their own little support group, helping each other through their problems and the One Direction drama, but they had left Niall out. They hadn't realized that by doing so, they were making him feel even more alone. They hadn't realized that they were creating a situation where he felt like he didn't belong, like he was the odd one out.

And so, as they launched into their first song, Niall stood there, his heart heavy and his mind spinning. He knew that something had to change, but he didn't know how to make them understand. He didn't know how to make them see that he was hurting too.

The tour continued, and with each passing day, Niall found himself slipping further and further into despair. He drowned himself in alcohol, trying to drown out the pain and the fear and the self-doubt that ate away at him like a cancer. But no matter how much he drank, it never seemed to be enough. It never made him feel better, not for very long.

The boys were oblivious to his struggles, too busy dealing with their own problems to notice the toll it was taking on him. They didn't realize that he was always being pulled aside by members of their modest management, always being made to feel small and insignificant. They didn't know that he was being physically abused by the management, that he was being made to feel like a failure.

It wasn't until they accidentally walked in on one of these confrontations that they began to suspect something was wrong. They saw the bruises on Niall's arms, the fear in his eyes. They knew something had to change. They tried to talk to him, to get him to open up, but he shut them out. He didn't want to burden them with his problems. He didn't want them to think less of him.

And so, they continued on with the tour, each of them struggling in their own way to cope with the pressure and the stress. Niall retreated further into himself, his walls growing ever higher, his defenses ever stronger. It wasn't until they confronted him about his drinking that he finally broke down, finally admitted how much he was hurting. But even then, he couldn't bring himself to fully let them in.

The boys were heartsick, seeing their friend in such pain, and yet feeling powerless to help him. They tried everything they could think of to get through to him, to make him understand that they were there for him, that they loved him. But nothing seemed to work. It wasn't until one night, after a particularly brutal confrontation with the modest management, that they realized just how far he had fallen.

They had been following Niall, making sure he got home safe, when they saw him stumbling out of a club, drunk and disheveled. He was with a girl they didn't recognize, and it was clear that they were having sex in an alley. The boys were horrified, their worst fears confirmed. They hurried over to intervene, only to find Niall completely out of control, lost to the haze of alcohol and self-loathing.

It was then that they realized they had to take matters into their own hands. They had to do something to save their friend. They couldn't just stand by and watch as he destroyed himself, as he let the people who were supposed to care for him tear him apart. They had to fight for him.

So, they went to Simon Cowell, the man who had once been their mentor and guiding light. They confronted him, demanding to know why he was treating Niall so badly. They told him how much their friend was suffering, how much they loved him, and how much they needed him. And for the first time, Simon listened.

He looked at them, his eyes softening, and said that he had seen the signs too. He had seen how Niall was struggling, how he was losing himself in the darkness. He had seen the bruises, and he had heard the whispers. But he hadn't known how to help. He hadn't known how to make things better.

And so, they all sat down together, Simon and the boys and Niall, and they talked. They talked about their fears and their hopes, their dreams and their regrets. They talked about their love for music, for each other, and for themselves. They talked about the pain they had all been feeling, and they finally began to understand that they weren't alone.

It was a long, hard conversation, and there were no easy answers. But in the end, they knew that they had taken the first step toward healing. They had started to rebuild the trust that had been broken, to mend the wounds that had been inflicted. They had begun to forge a new path forward, one where they could support each other, love each other, and grow together as a family.

As they left the meeting, their heads held high and their hearts full of hope, they knew that things were finally going to be different. They were going to get through this together, because they were One Direction, and they were unstoppable. And even though Niall would always carry the scars of his past, he would never be alone again.

The tour continued, and with each passing day, Niall felt stronger, more resilient. He had faced his demons and come out the other side, battered but not broken. He had found his place in the world again, surrounded by people who loved him and would never let him down. And as they sang their hearts out for their adoring fans, he knew that this was where he belonged, with his brothers in One Direction.

One direction/ 5 seconds of summer one-shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें