Chapter 3

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A/N: My babies, I hope you will love this chapter also please vote and comment ...It really motivates.. you have no idea...

Come to think of it, my partner changed just a day ago. Instead of his older brother Damon, he replaced his younger brother Salvatore. The question of whether I am curious about the reason why arises.

"Because I didn't wonder. But now I do," I voiced my newfound curiosity.

"Why?" I asked, seeking clarity.

"You're asking too quickly," Salvatore replied, his gaze downcast as he avoided meeting my eyes.

"Have we ever met?" I inquired, uncertainty lacing my words.

Even as I asked, I couldn't shake the feeling that I should know him, that his presence stirred something deep within me.

Even among the crowd, Salvatore stood out—a man with a commanding presence, a head held high amidst the throng of people.

Initially, I had judged him harshly, clouded by my past experiences with men. But now, as I peeled back the layers of hostility, his demeanor appeared different.

Despite his tall stature, Salvatore possessed an aura that was not easily forgotten. His presence left an indelible mark on my memory.

"It wouldn't be. I can't remember," I confessed, my hands instinctively rising to cover my mouth. "It's definitely a look you won't forget once you see it," Salvatore remarked, a hint of pride coloring his words.

Damn, if pride is sexy today, then he might just be right here.

"I only saw you that day, right?" I questioned, seeking confirmation.

"That's not it," Salvatore replied cryptically, leaving me with more questions than answers.

"You said you would answer anything if I asked you," I reminded him, my tone tinged with frustration and curiosity.

Flashback -

In the dimming light of dusk, a young boy with a bike helmet approached a girl two years older than him. His presence, though unassuming, held a hint of familiarity—a silent promise of protection. With a gentle hand, he extended his help to her, a gesture that would echo through the corridors of time.

Present -

"I changed my mind. I hope you remember me," Salvatore's voice, soft yet insistent, brushed against Valentina's ear as he drew closer. His touch, delicate yet firm, tangled in her hair as he spoke.

Valentina had expected a dry, formal confrontation, a scripted exchange devoid of emotion. But as Salvatore closed in, her heart quickened its pace, betraying her carefully constructed facade.

"A book is a living thing. It is a bird; it has a voice. The pages of a book are wings. Books have heartbeats. When readers read they feel them; they listen," echoed in Valentina's mind, resonating with the unexpected flutter in her chest.

She couldn't deny the pull she felt towards the man before her, his presence casting a spell that she struggled to resist. Even in the opulent setting of the wedding dress couture, Valentina couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that lingered within her.

As she gazed into the mirror, her reflection stared back at her—a portrait of desolation masked by the facade of a bride-to-be. Despite the dazzling gown and meticulous makeup, she appeared as a withered lily, robbed of its vitality.

In the whirlwind of preparations leading up to the wedding, tensions simmered beneath the surface as the families navigated the delicate balance between tradition and rivalry. From coordinating guest lists to vetting bodyguards, every detail was scrutinized in anticipation of the impending ceremony.

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