Chapter 8

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A/N: My Loves, I hope you will love this chapter also please vote and comment ...It really motivates me ..i look forward to it ;)

Walking on the beach, the sky painted a deep shade of blue, the water sparkling with the gentle splashes of waves.

Walking on the beach, the sky painted a deep shade of blue, the water sparkling with the gentle splashes of waves

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"Great," he said from behind.

"What?" I turned around, curious about his sudden remark.

"It's great that there are only two of us," Salvatore says, his tone carrying a hint of warmth.

Both of us are in casual outfits, the breeze playing with our hair as we stand there facing each other.

He just kept staring at me... Why?

"Two of us, so what?" I say, a hint of playfulness in my voice, but my heart races as I watch his hands approaching my face. "Don't even think about doing something weird."

He holds my head with his two large hands behind my head, his touch surprisingly gentle, and I find myself captivated by the intensity of his gaze.

Why does he smile at me like that, while his eyes seem to hold a depth I can't quite fathom?

Salvatore, as he speaks, comes close to my face, his hands automatically finding their place on both of my cheeks. "Something weird, Bella? What are you talking about? You mean like this?" His nose brushes against mine, his eyes locked onto mine, and my heart races, unsure of what to make of this moment.

"I want to kiss you," he says, his lips almost touching mine, and for a split second, our mouths meet. My upper lip grazes his, but with controlled urgency, I manage to utter, "Salvatore," and he stops, releasing his hold on my face.

"You're so weak, Bella," he remarks, a hint of sadness in his smile. "If you call my name, then I know I can't do what I want."

"Well, you have another chance for that," he says, turning around and stretching his arms overhead.

"Stop joking," I say, walking behind him, trying to mask the tremble in my voice.

Indeed, Salvatore yielded to my words, remembering the almost-kiss we shared, which left me feeling a swirl of emotions—butterflies fluttering in my stomach and a warm sensation between my thighs.

He stares at me as though I'm the only one in his world, his gaze filled with an intensity that ignites a fire within me, leaving me breathless and longing for more. "In your eyes, I find my solace, in your touch, I discover my home," he whispers softly, his words wrapping around me like a warm embrace.

"Those people?" I say, my brows furrowing in confusion.

"The bodyguards? I don't know where they are when I'm with you," Salvatore says, his tone casual.

"But when, Bella, you are alone, they follow you... so get used to it, even if you don't like it," he adds, his voice firm.

Turns out, you think it's inconvenient... I'm not weak, baby.

"I can live on my own," I assert, feeling a surge of independence.

"I know. You have lived happily for the past 9 years," he acknowledges, looking down at me with a hint of sadness. "I don't think you really live alone."

What... wait, what? His words strike me like a bolt of lightning, shocking me to the core.

Ah, maybe that's it. My father is not a normal person; he might have sent someone to keep an eye on me. I must say, not looking for me but following me.

Whether they were protecting or supervising, they were probably right next to me, waiting for the right time to grab my hair and pull me out without hesitation.

I was so stupid for not knowing that and didn't try to get out of that hell.

"I can't just leave you in danger like that. If you don't like it, then stay by my side, Bella," he says, his voice deep and commanding.

"I know how to protect myself," I retort, refusing to meet his gaze as I turn away.

"Bella," he insists, suddenly grabbing my mouth from behind and pulling me closer. "What if this happens to you?" he whispers against my ear.

I can't speak, damn it, husband! I can't even breathe... Screw you!

Reacting swiftly, I stomp on his foot with my leg and then swiftly turn to face him, elbowing him hard in the chest. He staggers back, clutching his stomach and falling to his knees with a grunt.

"Ugh... ugh," he groans, his head bowed.

"Hey, Sal," I start to say, but then correct myself, "Salvatore."

I had expected him to take a hit, so I hadn't put much power into my kick. Oh God, is he okay? Did I underestimate my strength? With trembling hands, I reach out to him. "Sal?" I call out, panic rising within me. Should I call a doctor? Will I go to jail?

But as soon as I get closer, he pulls me down, and my face lands right on his bulge.

"Didn't know you're not to neglect your enemy until the last minute," he says, chuckling.

"You idiot!" I exclaim, feeling a mixture of relief and annoyance. He scared me half to death!

"Anyway, you keep joking around when you have time," I say, trying to mask my lingering panic as I wipe the sand off his face. He's still laughing, the little rascal.

"You don't know how fast my heartbeat was," I confess, still reeling from the scare.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry," he apologizes, his laughter echoing softly.

"There's sand on your face," I notice, brushing it away gently.

"The scare under your eye.."

I reach out and touch the scar under his eye, feeling a pang of concern. He leans into my touch, his eyes closed, and rubs his face. I notice his jeans are wet; did he get pre-cum on his jeans? Oh, my cute little husband.

As my memory flashes back to a young boy, a realization dawns on me. "Could it be..."

This wound only worsens Salvatore's impression, as men in mafia like my dad has those glorious scars but in my heart, I can't help but find humor in it.

"Do you remember, Bella?" he asks softly, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and desire as we remain in the same position, me right between his legs, our closeness palpable.

"No," I reply honestly, though it's not quite the truth either.

"He was shorter than me, in a school uniform, and wore a biker's helmet," I recall, the memory distant yet vivid.

A/N: I have mentioned this flashback in one of the chapters...

Anyways how did you like this chapter? Do you like the sexual tension of new couples?

What do you think happens next?

Do you like how she is badass ..yet gentle?

How is Salvatore to you guys?


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