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I remembered this piece out of nowhere! wrote it start of this yr so yeah


You're floating.

That's the first thing you realise as you regain your senses, everything blurry and distorted. White blank space surrounds you, leaving you to wonder "What is this and why am I here?" You don't remember anything. Nothing at all.

Suddenly an image flashes in front of you, smudged at first as your eyes try to remember how to render colour. You see a little boy, sitting between his parents. He's laughing, enjoying the blissful joy of childhood. For a moment, you feel a sense of Déjà vu, not really knowing why.

Until you realise you are that little boy.

You were that little boy.

Another image flashes of an adolescent boy, frowning and storming into his room. This boy wants to reject his parents. You can almost hear his thoughts as he sobs into a pillow, wondering why his parents don't love him. Why his parents would pressure him so much if they really cared about their child. He hates them. He hates them so much. You suddenly regret your arrogant thoughts back then.

But all of a sudden, the boy is blushing in another scene, staring lovingly into a girl's eyes. He thinks that he's found true love, that this girl will be his forever. In a reel of flashes, you see them grow apart. You watch as over just a few months, the boy meets his first heartbreak. He cries on his bedroom floor, wishing he could have this girl. That boy hadn't known this was barely the tip of the iceberg of what life had to throw at him.

In a few splashes of colour, the boy progresses from teenager to adult. This newly grown up "man" sets out of his parents' house, unaware of the reality out there. He finds a decent paying job but finds that his boss is not as decent. He's constantly pressured, feeling like his brain is about to pop like a bubble everyday. And still, there's more. He dates around and gets rejected again after every few weeks. His brain and his heart are exhausted from all the torture.

But suddenly a break. In a mix of events, he gets promoted and there's much less stress on his mind. He finds another girl, and this time he's sure she's the one. Sure enough that he would get on one knee and offer her his hand in marriage.

And she agrees.

You stare at this recap of your life, wondering how you got this far. It's all you ever felt in one, everything you did, everything you hated, everything you loved. The scenes grow faster and faster, almost as if purposefully illustrating how life flowed in the same way. The man in the pictures has kids, takes care of them, and watches them grow up just like your parents did for you. You can see his hair slowly whiten as he ages, yet he's the same as the little boy you were staring at just minutes ago. He's happy.

He gets older and older, slowly losing his hold on his lifeline. He loses his memories, all the experiences he had back in the old days. He's sad losing them, but he knows it's simply a part of life. During his last days, you can see his family visiting him, his kids who had long since grown, his wife watching over him every day.

And in a final glance, you see all his family members towering over him. Their eyes are red and tearing. They know they're going to lose him, and he knows he's going to die.

So he spends the last of his energy to tell them, "I love you."

And it all stops. It was the finale of the grand show you've been presented.

You're floating.

You realise that again, the uncanny force that had been holding you in the air all that time. And it comes to you that you're not going to stay like this forever. You have to let go of your lifeline and let yourself fall into the lifeless oblivion below.

You were never much for life after death, but this was a pretty spectacular one you were given. And you know it has to end.

So you close your eyes one last time, embracing the gravity pushing you down. You embrace your final, really final this time, moments as the darkness consumes you.

"That was a pretty good life."

wow it's so short tho

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