fragments of reality

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It was the fight against Ivarage after the battle Rimuru was heavily damaged his soul would take time to recover but something he didn't expect was for Veldora to betray him he didn't know why what happened but he knew he wouldn't live. Guy patrons and Velzard and Velgrynd sensed his life slipping Guy, Velzard and Velgrynd didn't want him to go like Veldanava but it was too late they saw Veldora stabbing Rimuru over and over again they tried to stop him but it was too late. Veldora to make sure he was weakened as he cut their soul corrider.

Ciel was trying her best but due to Rimuru being weakened from the fight against Ivarage, he was merely an easy kill. Everyone didn't understand why, Veldora his sworn brother do this. But they had no answer he was dead silent no hint of emotion. Ciel was frantically trying to save Rimuru but he knew he wouldn't make it out alive so he gave all his power to Ciel. Ciel didn't understand why she just learned emotions no she wouldn't let this happen. She used all of her powers to save Rimuru even time magic-altering reality, changing the timeline but it was unstoppable it was meant to happen it was all already written in every fabric of the universe nothing would change it.

She tried saving his soul fragments but his soul would become nothing when he died joining the endless. Imaginary space would become unstable Ciel tried stopping she wouldn't let what chis master worked for end like this (NO I CANT LOOSE EVERYTHING) she thought.. but life isn't fair everything will come with a price Rimuru did what he wanted to make a peaceful world but the universe has plans

The mass amounts of void gets released in the  cardinal world everything starts shattering guy and velzard try to make a barriar but it breaks ciel was devestated she lost her master and everything he build she was useless useless she couldnt even save her master the only person she loved. But there where oddedis. The no one was there it was like the void but you could walk. There where multiple rifts in the sky each where reality's that could have happend rimuru was alive in all of them. She saw her other selfs be happy but why couldnt she why? why? why?? Why was she diffrent  why should she be diffrent she wanted to replace one of her selfs but she couldnt.

She didnt want any one of her selfs suffer like she did they where happy she wouldnt  this is what rimuru would have wanted. If she couldnt save her rimuru then she would save other ciels rimuru and centry's or eon's passed she saved rimuru's each day she had saved quadtrillond of rimuru but there where more. So she did what she couldnt save them atleast the ones she could sense after saving them all she rested she created veldanava and the world then she moved on her soul entering the reincarnation cycle she lived multiple lives but nothing peaked her intrest's she decided to erase her memorys but that didnt change it she hoped rimuru will be in this universe but he didnt exist now he was a supreme deity there cant be 2 of the same deity same would go to veldanava but ciel made him she could make a rimuru but whats the point it isnt rimuru it just a clone. She would rather die then live with a fake rimuru.

Ye idk i made this in 20 minets it has been 3 weeks since my last upload so yea well i guess this is it just a quick upload for you to read ill be gone for 2 more weeks btw going to japan ill try to crank out some chapters on the 5 hour flight and 2 hour train ride so yea see ya later

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