Who's name?

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cough cough

ummm huuuuuooookkkkk...

cough cough cough

Huff huff


Huff huff

Huff huff

Cough cough





Huff huff

I washed my hands in front of this sink, washed my face with several strokes of the water tap. When I look ahead, I see me who is no longer me. My eyes are still red even though I've rubbed them several times.

Ring ring ring.... Ring ring ring.... Ring ring ring.... Ring ring ring....

The same ringtone was heard again not far from the girl's toilet

Huff huff...

Cough cough




Klink klink klink, I turned the water faucet in front of me, immediately the ringing sound became louder in my ears.

Glekk (door closed)
I exited the girls' toilet, walking down the dimly lit hallway. I passed door after door, darkness enveloped what was inside the doors.

Krssttt...(hallway light goes off)
Or maybe this hallway too... just me, darkness, and annoying noises.





Dep (holding the wall)
I grabbed the wall to my left. My legs still feel tired, my eyes are sticky, my throat feels itchy. I feel like I'm jealous of Maiko who doesn't feel the way I feel, even though we do the same thing.

Ring ring ring.... Ring ring ring.... Ring ring ring.... Ring ring ring....

"Okay, okay, let's go to work... let's go to work... little friend" I said while turning off the alarm on my cellphone which was in my bag.

18.30, that's the information I definitely got when I opened my cellphone. I rested my body first in the class chair, put my cellphone on the table right in front of me. I looked at the classroom ceiling, it was dark.

"Is it worth it?" I said

"Is this joy?" I said

"The only joy of the day..." I said

"It would be nice to die with the only joy..." I said

...slowly I close my eyes...

"Hufff... God.... Why don't you just throw away my heart..." I said as I opened my eyes

Still the same, class ceiling..

I straightened my head again, took my cellphone and put it in my bag. I stood up from the chair, took my bag and carried it on my shoulder as I walked into another life.

Krincing... krincing... krincing...
I stepped into the gate of my workplace. At that moment, the sound of the engine boomed in my ears

"Ojyama shimasu... Konbawa, Natsuka ga kami..." I said half shouting but surely no one would answer because the workers' focus was always on the machine in front of them.

"Keana chan, come here and help me..." said someone from a distance who was half shouting too. I heard the same voice over and over again, Sato Sensei's voice.

Sato Sensei is the oldest employee here, with his distinctive white beard, his security guard's hat which is always worn sideways, and his security guard's clothes covered in ink, he is someone who never stops working.

Actually, according to the company hierarchy, he is not an employee, but a security guard.

"Sato sensei.. what is sensei doing?" I asked confused while wearing the worker's hat that I had previously taken in my bag

"Kurota is broken again... now he prints one after another but sometimes it can be really fast. "I'm trying to fix it, but i only have two hands, so can you hold the flashlight?" said Sato sensei, who was focused on fiddling with the inside of the machine.

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