
-Hey, Dumb Snape!!

An unknown guy shouted from behind the Gryffindor table.

-Tell me, Lorey, why can't your uncle be as calm as you are? If both of you could be that lame ,the whole Hogwarts would have fewer problems! 

Remaining as calm as I could , simply grabbed a wand out of the pocket and pointed it at the bastard, silencing him for a couple of hours.
Let him be just the same mute as I used to be and think about joking on such topics again.

The Gryffindor table's gazes are fixed on me.
It 's not clear what struck them more- the fact that their chatty friend would now be silent for the next few hours or the dead calmness I reacted to the attacks with.
I have always managed it while making curses ; provides more fear.
Gryffindors drove me crazy somewhere deep inside.If they are brave, they only have the courage to point out their shortcomings and humiliate nemesis.
Of course, not everyone was like that, some never attacks me , some learned from experience what follows after that, and some simply are not that low to humiliate people.

"Mute Snape". They didn't think of this nickname for long. Actually, it's not even offensive, but a mere fact.
Everyone at school knows that I never talk. I use nods and monosyllabic gestures to communicate, or I draw an answer in the air with a wand.
Yes, I'm speechless, but I there isn't anything terrible about it.

Silence suits me. I like the role of listener and observer.Sometimes it is better to listen to what is being said around you ,than to intervene your replicas  into the dialogue. As long as I can remember, I've always been calm.
I don't think muteness forces me to be quiet.
It was originally in my nature.
Composure , calmness and reasonableness. Maybe I'm overestimating my qualities a little, but isn't that what true Slytherins do? I don't think I was assigned to Slytherin because of being sly. This has never happened to me, as far as I can judge.
I have all the qualities of a Ravenclaw, good Gryffindor character traits, but I'm glad I'm on Slytherin.I think my coldness played a role.After all, this should be the true descendant of Salazar-pride, cold mind and pure blood. 
With the last point, of course, I was losing. A great half of Hogwarts believed that I was the niece of a potions professor, and the rest didn't care at all.If they knew that I was Muggle-born, they would hardly notice my existence. As strange as it may sound, Severus felt it necessary to tell me that I was not his off-spring.
Whoever Lily Evans is, I'm grateful to her for not dying of cold in that alley. Of course, there was no evidence that my parents were Muggles, but there was no evidence of the opposite either.
Anyway, I've always been thankful to Severus; we had a complete understanding with the professor.
Our conversations are usually quite short.He gives instructions or advices, in the most concise form, as far as his vocabulary allows, I silently nod without arguing and objections.
It's useless to argue, so I never do that .
I just nod, and then decide in my head myself whether to listen to his instructions or not.
He never argues, as if he thought I was wise enough at my age to make decisions.For that, I respected him more than anyone.Perhaps it was the fact that he gave me the right to my own mistakes and decisions and molded me into a decent person with a head on my shoulders. 
He thought my dumbness was a big hindrance to me in all the worlds, but admitted that his opinion was wrong, since now I was the best in the course, especially in his subject, which caused him considerable pride.


This The Slytherin table was louder than ever today.The quidditch team was noisily discussing the upcoming team selections .Lots of lads wanted to be a part of the team ;quidditch players got everything: time off from playing and training lessons, fame in victories and "consolation" in defeats, the best girls and a chance not to strain their brains, but to apply for participation in national quidditch teams after graduation .
Someone was aiming for the role of a hunter, someone wanted to take Malfoy's place as a catcher or become a beater in order to fully hit the players of neighboring faculties with a bludger. The Slytherins interrupted each other at the table, got into arguments and proved that they were more suitable to the team than the rest of their classmates.
I wanted to give it a shot, to be honest.Maybe it wasn't the best idea, but I had the desire of getting wild adrenaline while riding a broom, the feeling of a fuse when you get around your opponents.It was all too emotional and even extreme, to some extent-the complete opposite of me.That's probably why I wanted to try it out, to feel something new, have the break out of my comfort zone.  I did not declare of own desire in the selection, I decided to silently show up on the field in uniform.
Very much of my style.

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