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We didn't have much time for training, as the Gryffindors flew out onto the field immediately after us to train before the game.At exactly 3 o'clock, the Slytherin team was fully armed on the field, zipping up the gear and cleaning the brooms.As soon as the team saw me coming , the captain couldn't help, but cried out in surprise:

- Lorey? What the hell?! Do you want to play broken? We won't collect your body part after the game. Snape will curse me of he finds out you are here. Anyway , how are you going to play with a broken arm ?

I roll my eyes at another stupid question. I am clueless why he is chosen as a captain.
Yes, he's a good beater, but otherwise, his abilities are for C grade.
For Pusey, the strategy was to win with force:hit, break, smash, but win!
I took the beater's bat out of the trunk. Taking it in her left hand ,twirled and swung it in the air a couple of times , pretending to beat off a bludger.

- Whoa, you can use your other hand... Okay, welcome then. But only this season, and only because we don't have time to find a normal beater for the day after tomorrow. Let's see what you can do with your left hand.

He whistles and the team fly up.
We practice the main rules of Pusey:
For hunters- strong thrusts to take the quafl away.
For the beaters- a strong blow that can be fired at the catcher of another team.
Except I don't want to use a bludger to smash Potter's skull.I want to contribute to the victory honestly.Although ,the rules do not prohibit pushing and rigidity, but, as for me, knocking all opponents out of the rut does not mean to win.
I tried to keep my right hand next to my body, literally pressing it into ,so that nothing could smash it during the game. Admittedly, it was quite difficult to stay on the broom in this position.
The training session has been more than successful up to a certain point. We were so immersed in the game ,so haven't notices how the Gryffindors entered the field.

Oliver Wood, the captain of his team, shouted across the field, addressing our captain:

-Pusey, your time was out 15 minutes ago.We've been waiting inside for you to come down, so it is done. Our time!

Wood is not rude and doesn't curse to explain his position, but it was said rather rudely and spat out. Our team went down and got closer to the opponents.Adrian wasn't going to swallow such a dismissive tone.

- Slow down, Wood.We just got delayed.This is not a reason to raise your tone. Watch your mouth.

- Shut up, Pusey.If you were a normal captain, you would keep track of the training time.During extra fifteen minutes, your snakes got probably exhausted , so they aren't able to ride a broom the day after tomorrow,- Fred snorted sarcastically.

The beater was clearly provoking Adrian. Maybe he wanted to get into a fight so that Pusey would be suspended from the game, and we had less chances to win.

Yes, no.
Too much of Slytherin thinking.
Gryffindor beats us 90% out of 100% ; they don't any trick to win.

-Shut your dirty mouth, Weasley.You'd better buy a new uniform with such a zeal. Seems that all your 20 older brothers have played in it.

-Don't you dare talking shit about my family, Pusey.It doesn't matter what kind of uniform I'm wearing. Even with the newest 2001 Nimbuses, you have lost all the matches, while our team does not even have 2000.The moral of the story ,Pusey: even under the best conditions you cannot get it, and as a result, you are a shitty captain.

- You're red-haired son of a bitch! - Pusey growled as he stepped forward to Fred, who was standing next to him. The teams didn't even have time to react ,Fred stepped forward too to catch up with Pusey during the argument. They were standing too close to each other.
When Wood pushed Pusey away, he had already slashed the broom handle across the twin's chest with all his strength. The yellow vest of the Gryffindor quidditch uniform turned red, merging with the second main color of the faculty, right in the chest area.

-Damn it, Fred, take it off,- Potter shouted, bending over the wounded man.
They pulled off the guy's equipment, and the two teams could see a huge red stripe of blood crossing the guy's chest.

Not bad , of course.
Damn, until they bring the healing potion , the redhead will already bleed out.
It would be a huge arse for everyone, and anyway I'm more humane than anyone would have thought.

All of a sudden I found myself rushing to Weasley , pushing everyone aside. Potter was the last one I pushed away from the ginger , but Harry didn't seem to mind my presence, as if he knew I wanted to help, so everyone else silently watched me.

Everyone, of course, except Fred.
The main pain in the ass, Weasley, who was shocked as well as angry ,looking at me

-What the fuck, Snape??? You came to finish me? You think your pathetic team will have at least one chance for a freaking victory in this fucking season....

This snob, of course, did not have time to finish, because I used my favorite spell of silence in tandem with Stupefy.
Since two spells in a row was too much for my broken hand, I had to treat him with my right one.

Weasley, speechless and dumbfounded, gazed at me in surprise, since the only part that could move was his eyes.
I leaned over the guy, stretching out my right hand, (wincing slightly from the pain) and began to gently run my fingertips over the wound, releasing healing magic through my fingers.

It hurts.
It hurts as hell.

My forearm burns not only physically, but also magically. I clench the teeth and my face converts into a grimace of pain.
I was not going to stop and began to run my fingers further along the wound.

Fuckin' Pusey.
The wound shouldn't be that huge.

I felt the veins on my neck are swelling from severe pain and tension, so I needed to distract myself to make it out.
Have a focus on something other than the pain.
Freckles... Weasley's broad athletic shoulders were riddled with dozens of freckles. They are actually scattered all over his neck and chest.
Just for a moment, I wondered if he had freckles on his back ,so I would look at them as well.


It is done.
Thank Merlin, by the end of my deep examination of the Weasley's virtues,the wound got completely soldered.
My hand shakes and something crunches under the bandage. Something quite painful that makes me grimace in pain and land on my knees, pressing my hand to the chest.

When I look up ,I notice Weasley moving again and staring at his body in amazement.
There was a long thin scar on his chest.

Damn it.

Because of my arm damage , the magic did not work properly ; no scar should have been left.
Although, what could possibly spoil such a body?

Damn, Lorey, don't look at the half-naked Weasley, don't look, Snape!!!
Yeah... absolutely.

- Snape! Shit! She helped you, wanker, but why the hell she is lying twisted in pain?!!! -Zabini was making his way through the crowd, shouting loudly at the opponents.

-Damn it, Lorey!Get up, come on, lean on me!You need to go to Pomfrey's. -the guy exhaled , helping me up,- You're just idiots, is it clear?- he addressed both teams.

Covering the guy's hand with mine, I looked at him from under my brows, mentally asking him not to make a farce.

- Fuck them all. Pusey!!Take her broom!Do that at least!!! -Zabini squeezes me in his arms, as I can't simply follow him.

Here we go to the hospital.

As he carried me across the field, I could watch the Gryffindors behind us; all stared at me:dumbfounded, uncomprehending, grateful, there was even a shadow of concern somewhere.
But Fred's face kept all the emotions at once.
All ,except the last one.

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