A weirdly located rendezvous

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I finally got home after a long, tiring and boring day at school. Out of all the days of the week Friday is the one I hated the most since it's a concoction of all the subjects I despised: History and Spanish in the morning and Geography and Physics in the afternoon. It's the trial I have to take on every week so I could fianlly welcome the weekend.

I got in and got greeted by my mom, who stood up from the sofa.

"Hi sweetie, how was school today?" She asked me smiling.

I answered her with a smile before saying.

"As usual, boring but had fun with my friends."

I headed to the kitchen and ate the delicious spaghetti cooked by my mom. When I was halfway done with my meal I heard the phone ring from the living room. My mom answered it and I could hear the conversation since the two rooms were next to each other.

"Hello?...Oh yes he's back...it was as usual is what he said...oh... I'm sure he won't take it bad...fine I'll tell him."

I heard my mom hang the phone before entering the kitchen.

"Your dad said he'll come later than expected, apparently he had a problem with a weapon and he'll have to restart it all over again, something about the handle not being adequate with the ore chosen for the blade."

I took a bite from my spaghetti and said.

"No worries mom, I'll just do my homework until he gets home."

"Well...According to his words, it might take a bit too long before he gets back. But it's okay tho! You two can definitely go tomorrow."

"Welp...That kinda sucks, but I'm not really mad. As you said, tomorrow's another day."

After emptying my plate, I went upstairs to my room and started doing my homework. My dad and I were supposed to go fishing today but it seemed that'll have to wait. His job is not something strenuous, but sometimes something would go wrong and hold him in his workshop.

He works as an armorer, and if you think that's the same thing as being a blacksmith...well yes, but no actually. An armorer is a blacksmith that makes weapons for movies and series. When a studio wants to make a medieval fantasy movie for example, they contact an armorer in order to make them weapons such as swords and bows.

And two days before he had gotten a call from a very well known film maker who wanted him to make his characters' weapons. But he needs a cool looking longsword for his main character asap as he had to release the trailer for the movie in less than a month. He had offered a very handsome sum for it, so my dad was doing his best to give him a top notch quality blade.

My dad's passion for blacksmithing comes from my grandfather who used to forge horseshoes. He passed on the art to his son who spent years in books such as 'The Lord of The Rings' and 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. So my dad decided to forge the same weapons that he's been reading about in his childhood.

And, eventually he contaminated me, his  son, and thanks to him( and to the fact that I spent years on games like devil may cry and assassin's creed), I got too into the world of weapons. I don't make them of course, since I'm not interested in smithing that much, but since the day he asked me my opinion on an axe he tried to make and was so amazed by the creativity behind the answer I gave him, I sometimes give him ideas about some designs based on my knowledge from my gaming sessions. Who doesn't love helping his father using video games knowledge?

Tho occasionally my ideas would be just impossible to realize, I still managed to inaugurate designs so good that we would excitedly talk about how we could make it better, I described some of the attributes and he advised me according to the properties of each metal and components. That is until my mom decided that I have to study and I could leave the 'dad's job talk' as she calls it after I'm done with my lessons.

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