The world beneath the mountain

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A/N: Before we start, I just want to apologize for publishing this chapter three times before it was done by accident. I hope you weren't annoyed by the notification. Anyways I hope you'll enjoy.

I woke up feeling the most atrocious headache I've ever felt in my life. I attempted to get up but all my muscles and bones were immersed in pain. After much pointless effort I gave up and tried to recall how I ended up here. Even if my mind was still foggy I managed to piece together the chain of events that led to my current prevailing situation.

Shifty and I exploring Mt Ebott, him going missing and...wait how had I even fallen here? I remembered looking for him inside that cave until I had felt someone push me from behind inside this precipice and a glimpse of purple clothes...was it Shifty?

No probably not, why would he even do that in the first place. My eyes had probably deceived me, how could I even see what threw me inside this abyss? It was dark and I was falling. Speaking of which, I should probably turn on my phone's flashlight in order to discern my surroundings...Wait! My phone!

Well this is a fine mess. I can't even contact my family to tell them where I am, it had fallen from my hand when I tripped. I opened my eyes expecting the dark to greet me but somehow light found its way in this concealed cavern.

After staying on the ground for a couple of minutes I could feel my head ease up a little bit and my muscles gained enough force to lift me up. I steady myself on my feet with difficulty and raise my head to see if there's any possibility to climb from the pit that I'd tumbled from and I was not ready for what my gaze met.

"Wow, that's huge!" I exclaimed out loud because the chasm I fell from was way more massive than I anticipated. Judging from its length I was probably standing in the bottom level of the mountain if not under it.

But how did I survive a fall like that? I remember falling in the darkness and then I had felt...a sudden surge of energy rushing through my body and...a cool wind slowed down my speed..?

My mind is probably still betraying me right now. Welp it's not by staying in the lobby that you can finish a game, so it's not by staying there that I would find a solution to my problem. I took a few steps towards a random direction until I stumbled upon a huge portal with a weird symbol on top of it.

How did this thing find itself here? Judging from the moss on the carved stone I assumed that the structure was probably centuries old, if not millennia

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How did this thing find itself here? Judging from the moss on the carved stone I assumed that the structure was probably centuries old, if not millennia. Who built this structure? And why here of all places? I had no choice but to engage the passage it offered me so I opened the door, which was unexpectedly light, and paved the way after it.

I walked on for a couple of minutes until I heard the most unpredictable sound ever: A greeting voice.

"Oh! Hello there, human." It said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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