Exorcise the Enemy

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As the morning progressed, things started to fire up again as something big suddenly came out of nowhere, which immediately had everyone ready and alert. The entire ship was filled with alarms as people quickly rushed to their combat stations. The same went for the troops on the ground. Things were about to get serious.

Langley: The enemy force is now entering the other side of the city!!! Holy shit, they're on every block!!! It's gotta be almost half the Britannian military!!! There are bogeys everywhere!!!

James: Is our defense line set up yet?!

Langley: We have word of multiple helicopters deploying troops, GAUs, tanks, and IFVs as we speak! Captain Norhana's forces are covering our flanks to the West and East while the Freedom is going to continue sending in more ground vehicles and troops for support!

Barron: Sir, I don't like this one bit...

James: Neither do I

Barron: The last thing I want us to do is bring out the bigger weapons...

James: We will do what we can, but there's no guarantee...

Outside the bridge windows on the deck, James watches as multiple AH-320 Cherokee gunships and CH-580 Halberd helos quickly take off into the air, quickly headed off toward the enemy with payloads, ammo, supplies, troops, and armored vehicles. Multiple fighter jets were taking off from the short catapults below the top deck, flying off in formations, fully loaded with missiles, bombs, and enough 30mm rounds for their Gatling cannons to chew through dozens of enemies in mere seconds.

Meanwhile, on the frontlines that were being established, troops on the ground made way in the large intersections of the streets for the Halberd helicopters to land. As Marines and Army infantry ran to their defensive positions at one of the intersections, a Halberd helo landed in the center of the intersection, immediately dropping its rear ramp upon touching down. As its huge rotor blades and assistant left and right vertical turbo engines blow dust, dirt, and debris everywhere, an M1A3 Abrams tank rumbles down the ramp and onto the asphalt. With its diesel engine whistling at a high-pitched tone. On both sides of its barrel, painted in a shade of gunmetal, is one word in the traditional military font.


?: All tanks, Exorcist 6-6, ready to kick some ass

Says a female voice over the comms to the other tanks. Sitting in the commander's seat inside the tank, sat a woman with fiery red eyes, short black hair as dark as the night sky, with a recognizable, highly detailed black tattered American flag tattoo wrapping around her entire right arm, exposed by the sleeves of her tanker's uniform rolled up halfway to her elbows. With an addition of three large battle scars streaking around her left forearm. Wearing a pair of black combat gloves, a black plate carrier, and a set of ballistic goggles with a headset. It was clear to any other military member that she was in command of this tank.

Kaja Fukurata
Org: US Army
Rank: SSgt.
(Staff Sergeant)
Callsign: Exorcist 6-6

(Staff Sergeant)Callsign: Exorcist 6-6

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